
My dissapointment with Steiner is the total lack of knowledge about the who, what, where and when of their game used items. They have little to no information when you call and ask about a game used item. Their trade mark response is that it came from the Yankees. That's great, but don't label something "game used" when you do not know this for a fact. Game used is one thing and cage or BP use is something else. Clearly a barrel tapped bat is for BP or cage use. Even when asked if these bats were used in games and later in BP, you get the tipical "it came from the Yankees" that is the only info we have response. This to me, is not acceptable cosidering the outrageous prices they demand for their items. I would think the Steiner rep. who labels this stuff "Game used" should have at the very least a notion of product info. Does anyone know if George identified and marked each item before he hoarded them away for years? Was it left up to Steiner to rummage through a banged up bat and "assume" it was a gamer and not BP? Can someone from Steiner fill us in?