I wouldn't believe anything this guy says. I used to sell MLB and NFL jersey blanks on eBay years ago, and this guy bought a couple off me and didn't pay the required sales tax. I told him I'd ship the jerseys when I got payment for the tax or a valid resale certificate.

This was around 9/11. I kept getting "the check is in the mail" story (remember life before PayPal?). He told me to back off..he had a relative wounded in the 9/11 attacks and berated me for having the audacity to collect sales tax. When I pointed out to him that while I wished his relative a very speedy recovery, he must not have been too distraught because he spent a lot of time on eBay on 9/11 doing feedbacks, listing items for sale etc. This sent him over the edge, and he threatened to have me audited from his (probably nonexistent) relative at the IRS. I told him to bring it on, because I follow the rules. I don't care for this guy or the way he conducts business.