Yeah I am def happy Kyle got it. I am not sure if Kyle has posted what he paid for it... Not sure if he would have bid any higher also. Needless to say if I would have bid it would have been only a 2 bidder auction.

I am not going to say what Kyle paid for it that is up to him esp if he plans on selling it I dont want peoples offers to go based on what he paid. I know me personally my price of what I am willing to pay sometimes goes based on what the owner paid. I will say he paid more than the last time they offered one of his jerseys.

My thoughts were to win it flip it for hopefully double and than purchase myself a high end Braves game used jersey of an established Brave such as Chipper, Tom Glavine, Maddux with the profit getting a jersey for free. Needless to say I let my girlfriend win this one as she did have some valid points..

I am a mid 20's guy still living at home with mommy and daddy because the job market sucks right now and paying the very least I would have had to pay still is hard to do given the fact that I couldnt afford to move out.