Quote Originally Posted by momen55 View Post
perhaps i may have done this at some point but i don't remember.

i don't know about some or most of you, but if i don't have the money for an item or is more than what i want to spend, i am not going to waste someone's time nor mine sending emails and asking stupid questions that are easily answered with photos and or descriptions.

it is happening quite often, more than usual i see, and it is frustrating. i just caught myself answering someone's question about an item i am selling, that they "really" had interest in, 25 times! in the end, the person didn't answer back and in this case, again, didn't want it. i don't expect a lightning answer, but if you ask and ask and ask 25 times about items, your intentions aren't to buy, they are to waste someone's time!

some people i see there intentions from the first email that they aren't going to buy anything so i cut them off. i see it from people here as well as other places.

to say the item is great and original and has good use and then want it for pennies on the dollar is insulting and i don't have nor will give time to people like that. pretty ignorant if you ask me.
just last night, i had a person ask about an item and we went back and forth for a while and in the end, they didn't like the price and didn't want it. what's up with that?