Unfortunately these types of people dominant this "hobby." I call them the weekend dealers the guys that act like they are doing you a favor buying an item for pennies on the dollar so they can try to resell it immediately for several times what they paid for it. They naively think everyone is a cash starved dupe. A few weeks ago I had someone send me an email inquiring about a Revis jersey I was selling with a JO COA and offering me $800 for it and to add insult to injury he wanted shipping included for that price. Such jersey cost me $2,750 in January of this year. Then when I told him his offer was an insult he responded and how much i paid for it he responded by saying that since I had another jersey priced at that price he thought i would accept such an offer for revis though my bin was 3x his offer. mind you the other jersey was of a much lesser player whose stuff is not worth very much.