Great points here. What scares me more is tire kickers who want to know irrevelent stuff about a jersey, for example. I can have a jersey MLB certified and they will want to know,
1. Measurements from armpit to armpit and collar to tail and chest size. If it means they are going to wear it---forget it. I am a purest and hate to think of someone spilling beer and hot-dog on a game used jersey.

I also understand about concern over fakes but that's out of hand, too. One guy accused me of selling him a fake but then refused a refund offer because he wanted to keep "the evidence."

All things considered, I love this forum and write something almost every day. On the other hand...people will drive you crazy if you let them.

I now never sell unless I do not care about the outcome. I will lose money and scalp hair.

Dave Silverbrand