Quote Originally Posted by sox83cubs84 View Post
My own "favorite": placing an item for sale on C2C, making mention (as I normally do) to have no means of sending pictures (I do not have a camera), and getting replies asking me "can you send pictures?" If I could post them, I would.

If not seeing pictures in advance is a deal-breaker, then that's OK. I wouldn't
make specific mention of not being able to send pics in the description if I could send some...HELLO?

One guy a few years ago asked me for pics three times, apparently expecting that my answer would be different the third time than it was the first or second time.

Again, if a buyer wants pictures before buying, and I am unable to provide nthem, no harm done...if that's their motus operandi, they're entitled to buy in the most comfortable way they choose. But, please...DON't ask for pictures when the last couple of lines in my post say that I am unable to send them!

Dave Miedema
While I definitely see what you're saying, cheap digital cameras can be bought for under $40. I've found there to be an expectation that everyone can provide pictures - or knows someone who will take them for him. Plus, some only skim the Classifieds section. So I am not surprised that someone asked three times for you to provide pictures. He probably thought that you could just have someone in your family or a good friend snap a few photos for you, if he asked another time.
