I am surprised no one has posted this yet!

Arod may get suspended for illegal gambling.....



Officials from Major League Baseball plan to interview Alex Rodriguez about the allegations that the Yankees third baseman participated in illegal poker games.
"We take this very seriously and have been investigating this matter since the initial allegation. As part of the investigation, the Commissioner's Office will interview Mr. Rodriguez," the Commissioner's Office said in a statement.
Rodriguez's alleged participation was first reported by the Associated Press in early July. On Wednesday, ESPN.com credited an anonymous source that said Rodriguez could face suspension if it is confirmed that he participated in the games.
Rodriguez, who is currently rehabbing in Tampa after knee surgery, was warned about illegal gambling by the Yankees and Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig in 2005.
On Wednesday, Yankees general manager Brian Cashman told ESPN.com, "I don't know anything about it."
Manager Joe Girardi declined comment, saying: "Let baseball handle those things."