Who knew there was a forum for folks who love GU gear as much as I do?!

I've collected on and off over the years, mostly GU bats (my 2 Rickey Henderson's are my prized possessions), but I was biten by an all new bug last weekend.

The Yankees were in town, so we went to Anaheim to watch them take on the Angels. CC didn't get his 20th, and they lost 6-0 but I found a case full of gems after the game while walking out.

I had no idea that MLB was authenticating GU baseballs but lo and behold there were about 8-10 small bins full of GU balls for sale, $20 a pop. It wasn't until I got home and typed the MLB code in when the excitement meter pinged! Suddenly, the ball had a story to it (Pitched by Tyler Chatwood to Jack Wilson, fouled off the screen, top of the 3rd) and I am hooked again!

While I know that NYY GU baseballs will always be at the top of the market, I am trying to decide on a lighter on the wallet alternative. Perhaps only HR balls? Strikeouts? Hit By Pitch?

Does anyone focus their collection on one event and go from there?