Yesterday I played a little hooky and attended the Reds last home game for 2011 with my brother. After the game I was standing behind the dugout and as the Reds walked down the dugout steps into clubhouse countless hats, gloves, wristbands, and balls were projected to the awaiting fans! I was standing the second row next to a man there with his son who was in row in front of us. Out of nowhere a jersey shot out from the dugout and somehow cleared the front row and landed right in the man's chest. We both looked at same time and it was Joey Votto's red alternate jersey that he had worn that game! The look on both of our faces paled in comparison to the 100% honest joy of his young son when he draped the jersey over his shoulder. Shortly after that Brandon Phillips emerged and spent every bit of 20 minutes handing out game bats (to kids with their parents), gloves, wristbands, Phitten bracelets, balls, and even handed out a pink mothers day gamer to an elderly women. It was an amazing site and even though the jersey would have been a grail item for me, when I saw the pure excitement of that boys face I left 100% satisfied. I cannot wait to take my son when he is old enough in hopes that he experiences that same joy. Great to witness these types of acts from our favorite athletes.