Quote Originally Posted by coxfan View Post
The question of going for individual titles, versus helping your team win games, is much larger than just sitting out games for batting titles. I'm old enough to remember the race between Maris and Mantle to break Ruth's HR record in 1961. Near the end of the season, Manager Ralph Houk was asked if he would consider moving Mantle or Maris up in the batting order to give them more chances to hit HR's. He replied that he was sure they'd rather break the record the legitimate way, by batting in their usual spots to help the team, or not break it at all. Of course, the Yankees were actually in a real pennant race with the Tigers.

How many times has a Manager left a pitcher in though he sees he's tiring, just to keep his shot at a no-hitter? Only when the guy nearly blows the game by giving up a big hit, does the reliever come in.

I prefer the idea that individual records should come only as a natural part of helping the team win that game. But I went through many losing Braves' seasons in the "BC" ( before Cox) era. And I recall that Braves' fans focused on individual achievments as a relief from the team's failures to win.

When I saw the Mets' Manager get choked up after the game, I think I sensed what was really going on: The Mets had had a disappointing year, and to get the club's first-ever batting title was emotional compensation.
Best post in this thread. Thank you for your insight. As a fan, I agree 100%. Reyes staying or coming out had no affect on the Mets dismal season. But, the first Met EVER to win a batting title? In this particular scenerio I was happy to see it, just the way it happened. Had the Mets been in a tight race and he pulled himself out then I could understand and agree with the bashing.