I'm sure this has happened plenty times before but this doesn't sit well with me.

I'm sure it will never happen but there should be some sort of requirement by
MLB for a player to play the full game of the final game of the seaon if he's
competing for the batting title, unless

1. he's injured or injures himself during the course of the game
2. gets replaced for strategic purposes that comply with some sort
of rules MLB sets. (i.e. pinch runner, pinch hitter allowed if game is within 3 runs)

Even being a Yankee fan, as a baseball fan I was paying particular
attention because of Kemp's potential Triple Crown run and to me,
Reyes title came "cheap" and sort of takes away from his otherwise
spectacular, albeit injury-shortened season.

As someone else said I would love to of heard what Ted Williams
would say about this.