So Chase Headley gave me this glove prior to the final game of the season, and I think I found a match to some older games.....but I cant tell for sure.

Here are all the photos I took of the glove today:

and here are game photos with close ups:

Now, I know the 3rd photo that I took of the glove shows a string that is longer than the ones in the photo, but......that string is a lot stiffer, and newer than every other string on the glove, making me think it was recently restrung. What I see in that photo is the top string and the form it is bent in. Then you look at photo 2 and 4 from the game photos and I see the same bent form.

Also, the placement of the 7, looks to be exact in those photos.

Now to the other game photo, there you see moisture from sweat, and you can make out a line where it shows older moisture that seems to match with the dried photo that I took in photos 1, 5 and 6.

I am not sure....what do you guys think?