Awhile back, I remember making a joke, on one of these threads, to the effect that I was putting my Koby Clemens signed ball with my Pete Rose, Jr. signed Reds bat, and starting a "Seeds of Greatness" collection. My grail was going to be a ball signed by Babe Ruth's daughter, who lives in the area and sometimes comes out to watch the Diamondbacks.

Anyway, I was actually thinking, the other day, before this auction was even posted, that something like this would be another great addition to that collection.

Now, I understand that John Henry's reputation and memory, for a couple of different reasons, is not that positive among a lot of Baseball fans. The whole mess with his dad's body, the steroid involvement, etc. Nevertheless, I'm guessing that the bidding on this bat - and on the other one this seller has listed - is going to go fairly high. I have to confess that I wouldn't mind owning it, as a curiosity. Thoughts?