6 charged with fraud

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  • tspane2k
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 23

    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    Don't know about the college partnerships, but half of the St. Louis Rams jerseys have been switched to "Issued" instead of game worn.


    • mickeymbz
      • Feb 2011
      • 644

      Re: 6 charged with fraud

      Originally posted by legaleagle92481
      There is no excuse as to why any sports league does not have a system to track all jerseys that involves installing something on a jersey to do so before it is ever even worn. I believe the NBA did that last season. This is a big business and many teams whether through JO or otherwise sell their jerseys in some way shape or form so the leagues should make what in the big picture is a small investment that would be a major step toward cleaning up the industry going forward. The idea of photomatching every purchase is great in theory but in my opinion in practice it is highly idealistic. As other posters have said you cannot photomatch washed jerseys, for lesser players and older jerseys pictures may not be available and in other cases a match may not just be possible due to the lack of distinctive markings on the jersey such as many NBA jerseys, QB and kicker jerseys. Plus NFL Auctions often provides terrible photos of the products they are offering that would be impossible in most cases to use for a photomatch. And try asking them for additional pictures that request is not likely to be fulfilled if the way they normally respond to questions is an indication. Yes of course you have the option not to buy but it limits ones ability to collect greatly. I also think when you buy from companies like JO, Steiner and MeiGray, as when you buy directly from the league you pay a premium over what you would pay from a smaller seller and the purpose of that premium is to receive peace of mind and a no doubt about it authentic product. The onus to do the work should not be on the collector in these situations but the seller, thats what your paying extra for.
      the nba supposedly installed a system in which each jersey has a disignated serial number for each jersey. its a good idea.. but its nothing they keep track of. ive heard equipment managers pay no mind to them whatsoever... and ive read posts where members try to track their jerseys and cannot even find it as registered. a good idea in theory , but what godd is it if nobody heeds to it?


      • schubert1970
        • Jun 2008
        • 815

        Re: 6 charged with fraud

        Chris, its been over a week since you said JO would post a Press Release. I am glad they haven't, given the one-sided political nature of a PR piece. But in the absence of one, their employees have been spreading sunshine in carefully worded and cryptic messages. What a farce.

        But there is something else that is even more disturbing to me here. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

        What I would like to know is when will JO Sports be banned and thrown into the trash heap with so many others who have shamed this hobby? I'm not even talking about guilt or innocence of this legal issue, I am talking what I believe is clear issues with them in the hobby. Currently *a cleanup damage control operation commenced as evidenced on their own website where, overnight, they have reclassified jerseys now called "game issued" where last week were "game used"? Another innocent mistake? Simple timing coincidence?

        I am troubled as to why you would give these thugs a platform here on GUU to profit off of members? Even more troublesome, why would you come on your own GUU, after they have been named as one of 6 charged with fraud by the feds, and state the following:

        I will say that it is my understanding that the alleged charges stem from issues prior to JO Sports starting his team deals. In fact, it is my understanding that JO started the team deals to try get legitimate merchandise directly rather than dealing with the so-called "sources" referenced in articles. That is my understanding but I will also be waiting for the press release to see if that is correct. Personally, I think it is important to let JO make any statements at this point rather than speculating like some of the other members are doing.

        Notably, GUU will remain available as a forum for Jarrod to respond. Further, GUU has always stood for honesty and integrity and remains committed to doing so going forward. This is also the case with the 8D Network and 8D Auctions which I am involved with as well.

        Chris, in the past we have all seen when you like a member in trouble you post on their behalf instead of staying neutral. I state that as my opinion and observation and maybe you don't perceive it that way. The statement above, your statement, illustrates my concern. Another example that comes to mind immediately is the Rob Steinmetz/Barry Larkin jersey thread. You went so far as to delete that thread. Everyone knows Rob was a mod here. *

        And what about the Juan Iglesias/Albert Pujols bat fiasco? On this one, you banned Juan for his failure to come out and state his side of the added use on the bat while it was apparently under his control and had none prior. Hell, he wasn't indicted by the feds!? The defensive stance he chose to take stunk to high hell, but still, no charges, and he was banned even if for a limited time.

        It is your site and I appreciate the ability to be a part of it. I don't take that for granted. Part of what that membership should afford is taking a hard stance against members not in good standing. Yet you pick and choose in an obvious bias manner. Yet you claim the GUU has always stood for honesty and integrity and remains committed to doing so going forward. If that's true, how do you explain the incredible 180 degree directions displayed in your past actions on favored acquaintances vs. other forum members? In my view, they appear to be in direct conflict to these claims.

        I would like to hear from you about the conflict of interest posed in your banning certain forum members whom you have no affiliation with, while standing up for Rob Steinmetz who sold unauthentic items he placed LOA's on as good game used items, and when proven they were not, you removed the thread, banned Juan Iglesias for obvious game use added to a bat he owned that had none prior but would offer no explanation for, then now, again, with a guy you have a business relationship with, who has been flagged by the feds as a guy who fraudulently sold doctored jerseys he had knowledge of as being bad to your forum members, among others? And you choose to leave this forum available to this guy for his ability to respond? I'm not sure I understand how this can be. He has the feds publicly placing him in the slammer, but you want him to maintain a good standing here so he can lie to us some more?

        I think you owe us all a detailed explanation Chris. I for one don't care to hear a B.S. press release of JO Sports' version. The feds indictment, plea, or whatever will come out of this mess is far more damning than anything we all could possibly hear. And he still gets an open forum to comment on?

        I'm all ears Mr. Cavalier.



        • 34swtns
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2006
          • 1120

          Re: 6 charged with fraud

          For chrissakes Barney Fife, take a breath!

          I don't know that Chris owes you or any of us a damned thing.


          • ChrisCavalier
            Paid Users
            • Jan 1970
            • 1967

            Re: 6 charged with fraud

            Originally posted by schubert1970
            ...with a guy you have a business relationship with, who has been flagged by the feds as a guy who fraudulently sold doctored jerseys he had knowledge of as being bad to your forum members, among others? And you choose to leave this forum available to this guy for his ability to respond? I'm not sure I understand how this can be. He has the feds publicly placing him in the slammer, but you want him to maintain a good standing here so he can lie to us some more?
            Now let me get this straight. You claim above that JO "fraudulently sold doctored jerseys he had knowledge of as being bad to your forum members, among others.." Are you saying that you know exactly what the alleged charges are against JO? If so, please let me know how you acquired access to that information and how you know that JO knowingly "sold doctored jerseys" to forum members. I don't think anyone on here knows exactly what the charges are and yet you seem to have access to information that no one else has access to. Please let me know how you got that information and I will be glad to discuss it further with you.

            Further, you also stated "He has the feds publicly placing him in the slammer". Once again, could you please let me know how you got that information as well? I have not seen anything that publicly states JO is going to "the slammer" and yet you are publicly making this claim.

            As I mentioned, I do not know exactly what the specific charges are regarding JO and I mentioned leaving the forum open for him to respond to the questions members here have posed. Obviously, there appears to be reasons JO has not made any public statements yet and I, like you, will be interested in hearing them when he does. Please correct me if I'm wrong but JO has not posted anything on the forum since the release nor has he "lied to [you] some more".

            As I mentioned, the forum is open for him to respond when he is ready. Until that time, or until further, credible information is publicly released, I do not think we are in a position to make the claims you have made regarding the investigation since I do not know anyone on here knows exactly the scope of what is involved.

            Again, if you have access to privileged information that none of us have here, please let us know as well as how you acquired that information. If you do have access to that information, I will be glad to address your concerns as well as your unfounded accusations regarding my actions being in direct conflict with my claims of operating with honesty and integrity.

            I'm all ears Mr. Schubert?

            Christopher Cavalier
            Consignment Director - Heritage Auctions


            • short84
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2008
              • 346

              Re: 6 charged with fraud

              I personally purchased 2 jerseys that were sold and represented as game used but were not. How many misrepresented items does it take to prove falsely representing items were being sold (FRAUD)? Both were purchased during 2010 and 2011. I also pointed out the mystery bidding and mystery reserve prices observed during auctions held by JO Sports (when they called themselves JO Sports). A certain Crayton jersey with 8 mystery bids and a "final" selling price of $931 (much higher than his jerseys are worth) not being sold. It still available for sale on their web site after the auction. During the Chargers and Chiefs sale, this jersey was reduced to $1125. Now if you take the final mystery auction price of $931 and add the buyer's premium, you would have a price of $1070.65 -- and it didn't sell???????? My observations and first hand experience tell my there are still shady deals going on --


              • short84
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2008
                • 346

                Re: 6 charged with fraud

                Sorry for the horrific grammar in my previous post -- I did not realize I could not edit. I know there are members who think Jarrod is outstanding and a terrific individual who has done nothing wrong -- you are entitled to your opinion and I am sure he is appreciative of your support. However, as someone who was ripped off by his company, I see the other side. Thank goodness we can exchange information via this forum. I feel sorry for buyers who are not forum members who were misled and purchased bad items. You can ban me if you want -- but once a pattern of dishonest behavior has been established, it is hard to break. I am still waiting for my apology and I will continue to let others know about the bad items I purchased and the shady auctions being held on the JO Sports website (or whatever they are called now). Someone has to stand up for the honest buyer and collector.


                • zooat2
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 146

                  Re: 6 charged with fraud

                  - The bottom line here is that no matter how much we go back and forth on this (positive or negative) this has ultimately left ANOTHER black eye on the hobby that we all love and hold dear....and that my friends, is the saddest part of this whole thing....

                  - This hobby HAS TO be built on trust, and when that trust is repeatedly broken it makes it tough for all of us...


                  • Preston
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1390

                    Re: 6 charged with fraud

                    Now I've purchased 3 game worn jerseys from JO over time:

                    1. Carlos Rogers 08 home jersey unwashed w/ lots of wear "photomatched" to the Steelers game in 2008 - I have since sold it but I really did like it. I just chose to put money toward another jersey or two.

                    2. Terdell Sands 2005 Raiders away jersey - has some hit marks and wear on it...I've yet to try to photomatch it but maybe I will try. Seeing as he's a superstar, I'd like to think it's not one that was "altered" or "forged" in any way.

                    3. Daunte Culpepper 2005 Vikings away "game used" jersey - NO wear AT ALL, was told BY Robert that it was "game used". I'm not even sure it's been washed - I mean it is issued which is STILL cool, but telling me it's game worn is fraud when in actuality it's issued.

                    So 2 out of 3 jerseys I've bought are LIKELY "legit", and while they say "2 out of 3 ain't bad", the fact that one was misrepresented is scary because, let's play devil's advocate - what IF one out of every three jerseys they sold were FAKE? Whether it's one item or all of them that are "misrepresented", it's a problem because it was KNOWINGLY MISREPRESENTED.


                    • SkubeBats
                      • May 2006
                      • 2452

                      Re: 6 charged with fraud

                      I asked you several questions in POST #334 and I never heard from you. I would like to see what you have to say to my questions.

                      Also Chris there are several GUU moderators that have plenty of information about Jarrod and his shaddy deallings but their to affraid to comment on here because your a "FRIEND OF JARRODS"... They think if they will post you will get mad and ban them like anyone else. It' to bad you have this fear in these guys because I and everyone else should know the information that they do.

                      Hope to hear back from you soon....


                      • slam
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 232

                        Re: 6 charged with fraud

                        Originally posted by SkubeBats
                        Also Chris there are several GUU moderators that have plenty of information about Jarrod and his shaddy deallings but their to affraid to comment on here because your a "FRIEND OF JARRODS"... They think if they will post you will get mad and ban them like anyone else. It' to bad you have this fear in these guys because I and everyone else should know the information that they do.

                        Hope to hear back from you soon....
                        Please do share.


                        • TNTtoys
                          • Aug 2006
                          • 2618

                          Re: 6 charged with fraud

                          Originally posted by SkubeBats
                          I asked you several questions in POST #334 and I never heard from you. I would like to see what you have to say to my questions.

                          Also Chris there are several GUU moderators that have plenty of information about Jarrod and his shaddy deallings but their to affraid to comment on here because your a "FRIEND OF JARRODS"... They think if they will post you will get mad and ban them like anyone else. It' to bad you have this fear in these guys because I and everyone else should know the information that they do.

                          Hope to hear back from you soon....
                          Very interesting post, and very insulting to say the least. I have no idea what this information about "Jarrod and his shady dealings" is that you're referring to. I suppose I am not as privileged as yourself and the other moderators?
                          Looking for ...
                          Any Game Used Mets jerseys from 1986 and 1987
                          Any Keith Hernandez, Ron Darling, Lee Mazzilli and John Olerud Mets items
                          Email me at TNT_Toys@yahoo.com


                          • Lokee
                            • May 2008
                            • 1035

                            Re: 6 charged with fraud

                            Originally posted by SkubeBats

                            Also Chris there are several GUU moderators that have plenty of information about Jarrod and his shaddy deallings but their to affraid to comment on here because your a "FRIEND OF JARRODS"... They think if they will post you will get mad and ban them like anyone else. It' to bad you have this fear in these guys because I and everyone else should know the information that they do.

                            Hope to hear back from you soon....
                            Sounds to me like if your not part of the "in crowd" you are left in the lurch.


                            • SkubeBats
                              • May 2006
                              • 2452

                              Re: 6 charged with fraud

                              I have been talking to one of the moderates and he tells me there's others that know stuff but wont post on here because Chris is friends with Jarrod. He won't let me post his name but I've asked him to stand up and tell what he knows but he won't post on here. Some of the questions I've asked on here were question he wanted answer to himself. I know nothing more then the rest of you. He just states there's more to this then we all know.


                              • TNTtoys
                                • Aug 2006
                                • 2618

                                Re: 6 charged with fraud

                                Originally posted by SkubeBats
                                He just states there's more to this then we all know.
                                Of course there is more to this than we all know. Your implication that all of us know something and are afraid to post it is completely false and ridiculous.
                                Looking for ...
                                Any Game Used Mets jerseys from 1986 and 1987
                                Any Keith Hernandez, Ron Darling, Lee Mazzilli and John Olerud Mets items
                                Email me at TNT_Toys@yahoo.com

