6 charged with fraud

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  • SkubeBats
    • May 2006
    • 2452

    Re: 6 charged with fraud

    I didn't say you all know stuff. He claims to know stuff that Jarrod has done but won't state it on GUU because Chris is friends with Jarrod. Maybe you should email all your moderates and find out who he is. I won't say his name but I wish he would stand up and say something. I've asked him to do this for all of us.


    • ChrisCavalier
      Paid Users
      • Jan 1970
      • 1967

      Re: 6 charged with fraud

      Originally posted by SkubeBats
      I have been talking to one of the moderates and he tells me there's others that know stuff but wont post on here because Chris is friends with Jarrod. He won't let me post his name but I've asked him to stand up and tell what he knows but he won't post on here. Some of the questions I've asked on here were question he wanted answer to himself. I know nothing more then the rest of you. He just states there's more to this then we all know.

      Your comments are both reckless and baseless. If you, or your "friend", has any information that we are not privy to please post it now or stop the rediculous claims you are making. You also claimed "They think if they will post you will get mad and ban them like anyone else." No one has ever been banned for any reason other than the fact that they violated the forum rules. While the people who have been banned will obviously claim they did nothing wrong (imagine that), that is simply not the case.

      I give you my personal guarantee that nothing will happen to anyone who comes forward with substantiated information that we do not have. Please feel free to tell that to your "friend". In addition, I believe you are also irresponsible in trying to bring the other moderators into this situation. They are upstanding people who spend a great deal of their time trying to help other collectors by helping moderate this forum. If you want to make baseless claims, please direct them to me and we can have the discussion directly...on the forum here if you like.

      Lastly, please let me know how you have been wronged as well. As I said before, if anyone feels they were deliberately defrauded and have proof please feel free to post it here. So far I have seen sitautions where people had questions about items and apparently contacted JO and I am presuming those matters have been resolved. If there is some form of fraud (I don't see Suzanne's posts as deliberate fraud) than please feel free to post it now. As always, we will not ban someone for posting substantiated information. You can check our rules and see what constitutes a violation if you have any questions.

      I look forward to seeing your substantiated posts, either by you or your "friend".

      Christopher Cavalier
      Consignment Director - Heritage Auctions


      • SkubeBats
        • May 2006
        • 2452

        Re: 6 charged with fraud

        I'm not trying to bring other moderates into this. I was asked by one of your moderates to ask you some questions as I did. I know he should stand up and say something but he won't. He's the one with information not me. I don't know anything more then the rest of you.


        Also I was just contacted by the FBI agent in charge of this case. We had over a 20 min talk on the phone and via emails. He would like me to ask you all if their is anyone that knows anymore informaiton on this case to contact the FBI Office in Chicago or contact me and I'll pass on your information to him. He said he prefers to talk on the phone rather via emails.

        The FBI has been following GUU for several years now and like the information that we all as collectors share on this site. They have been taking down names of guys we think are the bad one's. He doesn't know how long the FBI will keep looking into the problems of our hobby so now is the time to speak up and tell what you know. If you have any other claim or know someone that's selling bad items to contac the FBI CHicago Office.

        The FBI has been and is still talking to members of GUU about some of the trouble in our hobby. So keep up the good work!!


        • camarokids
          Senior Member
          • Jun 2006
          • 3869

          Re: 6 charged with fraud

          Originally posted by legaleagle92481
          Yes, you should.
          This is still America. Where we have the right to speak our mind!

          I have not chimed in on the JO Sports debacle. Looks to me like they are guilty!!!!!! They made a plea in the case against them!!!!

          I have never bought anything from them due to their prices and I don't really want to start collecting football.

          Do I need to shut f*ck up too?
          Thank you,

          This is my email address here!
          dzscope at gmail dot com

          Email is best for personal messages...


          • SkubeBats
            • May 2006
            • 2452

            Re: 6 charged with fraud

            I was wondering if you would answer or comment on my questions I asked you in post #334?


            • jhunt28
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2008
              • 409

              Re: 6 charged with fraud

              Originally posted by short84
              I personally purchased 2 jerseys that were sold and represented as game used but were not. How many misrepresented items does it take to prove falsely representing items were being sold (FRAUD)? Both were purchased during 2010 and 2011. I also pointed out the mystery bidding and mystery reserve prices observed during auctions held by JO Sports (when they called themselves JO Sports). A certain Crayton jersey with 8 mystery bids and a "final" selling price of $931 (much higher than his jerseys are worth) not being sold. It still available for sale on their web site after the auction. During the Chargers and Chiefs sale, this jersey was reduced to $1125. Now if you take the final mystery auction price of $931 and add the buyer's premium, you would have a price of $1070.65 -- and it didn't sell???????? My observations and first hand experience tell my there are still shady deals going on --

              I'm really getting sick of posts like this. You had a bad experience with JO, when you bought the jersey of a player who played 4 snaps in the NFL...we get it. You also got your money back...I don't understand your constant whining about this? I'm pretty sure the price you paid was probably less than that of a retail NFL jersey on NFLSHOP.com (around $250).

              As for the JO auctions, you clearly have not been involved in many auction house auctions before. Just because you think that a Patrick Crayton jersey is worth less than the reserve price in an auction really doesn't matter. The person selling the jersey will set the reserve, and if it doesn't meet that reserve price, then it won't sell. And your argument about the jersey being reduced after it didn't sell in an auction is not very rational. Have you ever gone to buy a car, left the showroom after your offer was turned down, yet to get a phone call the next day asking if you'd like to buy the car at your original offer price? Have you ever heard of TV's going on sale??? It does happen in the real world.

              As far as someone else talking about JO having deals with college teams, that statement is absolutely FALSE. JO has never had any deals with any college teams. They have had college items for sale after the individuals have left college...but they don't have college deals. So maybe you people should get your facts straight before heaping garbage onto the "JO HATE PILE". I think Jarrod has enough going on in his life, that he shouldn't have to deal with false statements.

              In all of this BS back and forth, I still have yet to see anyone come forth with a "doctored" or jersey with "manufactured" wear. I have asked for someone to come forth since this thread started, and have yet to see any proof.


              • jhunt28
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 409

                Re: 6 charged with fraud

                Originally posted by Preston
                Now I've purchased 3 game worn jerseys from JO over time:

                1. Carlos Rogers 08 home jersey unwashed w/ lots of wear "photomatched" to the Steelers game in 2008 - I have since sold it but I really did like it. I just chose to put money toward another jersey or two.

                2. Terdell Sands 2005 Raiders away jersey - has some hit marks and wear on it...I've yet to try to photomatch it but maybe I will try. Seeing as he's a superstar, I'd like to think it's not one that was "altered" or "forged" in any way.

                3. Daunte Culpepper 2005 Vikings away "game used" jersey - NO wear AT ALL, was told BY Robert that it was "game used". I'm not even sure it's been washed - I mean it is issued which is STILL cool, but telling me it's game worn is fraud when in actuality it's issued.

                So 2 out of 3 jerseys I've bought are LIKELY "legit", and while they say "2 out of 3 ain't bad", the fact that one was misrepresented is scary because, let's play devil's advocate - what IF one out of every three jerseys they sold were FAKE? Whether it's one item or all of them that are "misrepresented", it's a problem because it was KNOWINGLY MISREPRESENTED.

                Terdell Sands is a "superstar"??? How much did you pay for this Culpepper jersey? Did you know that he only played in 5 games that year before he was hurt? Did you try and photomatch the jersey before you bought it? Did you ever think that it could be game used, and he wasn't hit once in any of those games? Did someone FORCE you to buy this jersey????


                • jhunt28
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2008
                  • 409

                  Re: 6 charged with fraud

                  Originally posted by schubert1970
                  Currently *a cleanup damage control operation commenced as evidenced on their own website where, overnight, they have reclassified jerseys now called "game issued" where last week were "game used"? Another innocent mistake? Simple timing coincidence?

                  Can you provide examples of this "damage control"? I thought the old forum rules were that you must contact the person you have an issue with, and then post a problem with it after 24hrs. I didn't think you could just make claims without any proof? I have spoken to JO, and they have not changed any descriptions of any of their items overnight. So next time maybe try posting facts.


                  • SkubeBats
                    • May 2006
                    • 2452

                    Re: 6 charged with fraud

                    I still don't get some of you guys. You ask people to come on here state their claims agianst Jarrod or JO Sports and once they do you guys rip them apart for doing so.

                    Some of you guys still don't get it. The FBI has charged these 6 guys and 4 of them have or are making pleas with the FBI and 2 guys state thier not quilty. Jarrod is one of the 4 men that are making plea's with the Goverment. SO don't come on here and say he didn't do anything wrong!! What do you think the FBI is making this all up? (The only guys I see standing up for Jarrod are guys who spent money with him and JO or are friends of theirs. These guys are like drug deallers and you guys need your fix.) I think it's time you guys wake up and see the light...

                    For the rest of you do whats right and stand up to these guys and state your cases against these scum bags. The more information the FBI can get the better our hobby will be in the long run!!!


                    • Preston
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1390

                      Re: 6 charged with fraud

                      Pretty awesome JO seems to have employees as board members "vouching" for them...that, or hopefully they're being compensated somehow (ha ha).


                      • jhunt28
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2008
                        • 409

                        Re: 6 charged with fraud

                        Originally posted by SkubeBats
                        I still don't get some of you guys. You ask people to come on here state their claims agianst Jarrod or JO Sports and once they do you guys rip them apart for doing so.

                        Some of you guys still don't get it. The FBI has charged these 6 guys and 4 of them have or are making pleas with the FBI and 2 guys state thier not quilty. Jarrod is one of the 4 men that are making plea's with the Goverment. SO don't come on here and say he didn't do anything wrong!! What do you think the FBI is making this all up? (The only guys I see standing up for Jarrod are guys who spent money with him and JO or are friends of theirs. These guys are like drug deallers and you guys need your fix.) I think it's time you guys wake up and see the light...

                        For the rest of you do whats right and stand up to these guys and state your cases against these scum bags. The more information the FBI can get the better our hobby will be in the long run!!!
                        The last details I heard, JO was "named" in a case in which there was fraud involving card companies. JO has not even been "directly" named. Other than that, ZERO DETAILS have been released. Until then, I will hold judgement.


                        • BULBUS
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2005
                          • 1123

                          Re: 6 charged with fraud

                          I dont think there are going to be that many individuals, that are GUU members, that are going to be able to come on here with examples of fraud committed by Jarrod.

                          It seems that card companies were the easy target for these scammers and I hope these companies take action against these individuals.

                          NY Giants, NY Yankees, Don Mattingly, Mattingly brand bats (any player)
                          donnie23fan at yahoo.com


                          • commando
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 1234

                            Re: 6 charged with fraud

                            I have not commented on this thread until now. Good lord. I'm not as concerned about the guilt or innocence of JO Sports as much as I am about the "witch hunt" going on here by some of you (whether you realize it or not). It sounds like the FBI is well aware of what has happened in the past, and this is information we will all learn in due time. Those of you who are now pointing fingers at any and every person ever to do business with JO, knows someone who works at JO, is the moderator of a forum who knows someone who works at JO, or washed the car of the mother of the cousin who swept the floor for JO, is absolutely ridiculous and irresponsible.

                            I think the admin staff of this forum has done an excellent job of not over moderating this thread, as rambling and incoherent as it may be at times. Yes, we are all affected in one way or another by what has happened -- whether it is directly as a customer of JO, or a game used collector in general who is seeing the hobby get a black eye in general. But each of you needs to be careful with your comments, because once they are memorialized on the web, they may come back to haunt you one day.

                            Take this for what it's worth.
                            Anthony Nunez
                            Historian, USFL Houston Gamblers


                            • jhunt28
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2008
                              • 409

                              Re: 6 charged with fraud

                              Originally posted by Preston
                              Pretty awesome JO seems to have employees as board members "vouching" for them...that, or hopefully they're being compensated somehow (ha ha).

                              This is a great example of the nonsense in this thread. When faced with numerous questions regarding your purchase in which you consider fraudulent, you deflect the questions, and follow up with ridiculous statements. This should be a fact finding thread, in which you have been personally involved with "fraud" in a purchase from JO Sports Co, and be able to share the details of such. I still have yet to find one.


                              • legaleagle92481
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 2538

                                Re: 6 charged with fraud

                                Originally posted by ChuckFoPrez

                                This is still America. Where we have the right to speak our mind!

                                I have not chimed in on the JO Sports debacle. Looks to me like they are guilty!!!!!! They made a plea in the case against them!!!!

                                I have never bought anything from them due to their prices and I don't really want to start collecting football.

                                Do I need to shut f*ck up too?
                                Huh? Why did you quote me?

