I think some posters are confusing the issue here. This issue is not if YOUR jerseys are real or that you had a good experience dealing with JO. What these people did is the equivalent of an investment guy running a Ponzi scheme or an autograph guy forging autographs. Bernie Madoff was a brilliant man who made a fortune in the investment business but yet still ran the world's largest ponzi scheme. Stans Sports was a highly successful autograph business that sold many, many legitimate autographs but still chose to get into the forgery business. Merely because someone is successful does not make them immune to doing illegal things to make more money. If Madoff was to get released from jail and start another investment firm would you invest with him? If Stans started selling autographs again would you buy from them? Or put another way would you buy an autograph with a Stans COA on the secondary market? Even if the signature looked good to you? I sure wouldn't because you can never be 100% certain photomatches are great but and I am maybe an overly skeptical person if the match is too a specific grass stain or dirt mark who is to say they didn't doctor the jersey to create the match? They have the same access to photos as everyone else. Also most of us will not have collections that pass down throughout the generations and at some point us or our heirs will sell our stuff. If the JO name is associated with fake stuff even if they completely cleaned up their act when they started becoming successful that is likely to make many potential buyers steer clear of the item or want to pay less for it than they would have before this came out. So we as collectors are the ultimate losers as our items and even if we don't want to think of it that way but our investments are greatly devalued. The fact that the teams and some players sell stuff to them does not mean a thing. Brad Wells another defendant ran ASI and if you recall ASI used to tout their exclusive player relationships for autographs and game used stuff with Pudge, Arod, Sosa, Manny and several other major stars. The teams and players only see green and will sell to anyone who offers them a good deal in many cases. I doubt any of these teams took the time to investigate JO's background in anyway. However, my guess is since the only thing teams worry about more than money is bad publicity when they find out if they have not already they will do damage control and immediately sever their relationships with him.