Quote Originally Posted by masp3392
I understand some of the points from other posters stating that if an item costs that much you would expect the company to have already done the homework in matching it, making sure its compatible with the dates expressed ... etc. But regardless of all that is it up to you, to make sure what your buying is legit regardless of price. Yes you go on reputation but even if JO was absolutely as clean as a whistle, I wouldnt go based of reputation, i would still do my homework as a safety net just in case.
Based on this statement - and I know you're not the only one on this thread that believes this - in your mind then, there is no need for any type of Guarantee from the seller as verifying that the jersey is what it is purported to be is laid squarely on the Buyer. A reputation means nothing to you, so any Guarantee wouldn't make any difference either.

If you do believe the seller should offer a Guarantee, then how can you not also put ALL of the responsibility on the seller to verify it's legitimate before ever even considering offering it for sale?

Quote Originally Posted by Palehose for Life
We are finally making progress, in a world of trolls and clowns!!!
Wow! Anyone whose not a JO supporter or drinking the Kool-Aid hat you, 34swtns, etc are pouring is a Troll or a Clown? That tells me all I need to know about you.

Quote Originally Posted by 34swtns
And yes it does "limit my collection". It keeps my collection free of the crap that some uneducated schmuck might buy on a gamble.
I only "gamble" on a sure thing.
Again, WOW! So because someone is a newbie, they are an 'uneducated schmuck'? I guess you came out of the womb with all the knowledge you needed to just jump right in and photo match, etc? You never had to learn anything? It must be tough to hold up you swollen head.

And if it's a sure thing, it's not a gamble.


34swtns, Pale Hose, etc - you guys are the exact 'Elitist Snobs' I mentioned earlier and I'm certain I will never have any type of dealings with any of you in the future. Your attitudes towards others in this hobby are just as much a part of the problem as JO, Mitch and others trying to pass off junk to unassuming or new collector's.

Also based on the comments you guys and your ilk have posted, you would be okay if someone in your family (mom, sister, grandma, etc)was taken by one of these guys while trying to buy you a gift, because they very well be 'uneducated schmucks' or 'trolls and clowns' who didn't know they had to do 'homework' to buy from a 'Reputable' dealer.

It's okay though and I'm sure you'll sleep well, because after all, it wouldn't be YOUR money...

- Smitty

I only "gamble" on a sure thing.