Quote Originally Posted by Shipp_96 View Post
Yeah, it's beyond disgusting, and he also has not been a member of the coaching staff since the 1990s. So great play on words there in your title. This sick deviant has also not been part of the school for over 13 years, so way to go after the University. I guess when you a run an otherwise squeaky clean program, people are quick to come out of the wood works and attack when any opportunity presents itself.

Now make no mistake on my position, this is repulsive and unacceptable behavior. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. There is NO worse crime than pedophilia, IMO. It truly sickens me reading the details in the link below.

Shipp, not necessarily a Penn State fan but my girlfriend is a Penn State Alumnus and she could not believe this. This story has been floating out there for a couple of years to one degree or another and as mentioned it is absolutely disgusting to whatever degree this is true.

I don't think Bill was attacking Penn State at all, but what was not mentioned by you is that long time Penn State AD Tim Curley is expected to turn himself in on Monday as an arrest warrant was issued due to Perjury charges. If what is mentioned is true, it is incomprehensible that Curley would not have reported the information he was reportedly told to authorities.

We will have to see how this plays out but this really stinks of a cover up by high ranking University officials trying to protect a guy that was once a very well respected member of the coaching staff at one point and time.

I hope that is not true, only time will tell. If it is, some heads are sure to roll at PSU very high up the food chain.
