Quote Originally Posted by Shipp_96 View Post
Yeah, it's beyond disgusting, and he also has not been a member of the coaching staff since the 1990s. So great play on words there in your title. This sick deviant has also not been part of the school for over 13 years, so way to go after the University. I guess when you a run an otherwise squeaky clean program, people are quick to come out of the wood works and attack when any opportunity presents itself.

Now make no mistake on my position, this is repulsive and unacceptable behavior. If he is found guilty I hope they throw the book at him. There is NO worse crime than pedophilia, IMO. It truly sickens me reading the details in the link below.

Another child, known only as a boy about 11 to 13, was seen by a janitor pinned against a wall while Sandusky performed oral sex on him in fall 2000, the jury said.
And in 2002, Kelly said, a graduate assistant saw Sandusky sexually assault a naked boy, estimated to be about 10 years old, in a team locker room. The grad student and his father reported what he saw to Paterno, who immediately told Curley, prosecutors said.
Curley and Schultz met with the graduate assistant about a week and a half later, Kelly said.
“Despite a powerful eyewitness statement about the sexual assault of a child, this incident was not reported to any law enforcement or child protective agency, as required by Pennsylvania law,” Kelly said

Sandusky retired after the Alamo Bowl victory over Texas A & M in 1999. The thing is, several of these charges levied above from the article note that these incidents took place apparently on campus at State College. While he was at that time no longer employed by the University, it kinds of begs the question, why was he on campus in positions to do any of these acts if these allegations are true to these young boys as he was no longer employed by Penn State in any capacity?

Again, Not picking on Penn State, but thise just brings really really bad publicity to the University especially in light of the additional charges of perjury against two major high ranking Penn State officials.
