Hi Everyone,

Here's the update: Today I received the bat complete with LOA from Donald Frangipani as well as the certificate of examination from PAAS stating that the autograph cannot be authenticated for the following reasons:
Sizing of letters, Atypical letter angle, slant, and/or pitch, irregular letter shape and/or formation, irregular spacing between letters, irregular strokes/pen movement, lacks flow and spontaneity.

Now for the good stuff!

The bat is NOT 33" as listed in the auction. It is actually 36" and 29.7 oz and is a 1921-31 pre-powerized H&B with SIDE WRITING opposite of the Babe Ruth "autograph". As far as I can tell from examining the sidewriting it is "37 / 38 3/5 W.T. Core 9-24-24". Could also be W.T. Gore? Pretty exciting I think!

Now all I have to do is try to decide whether or not I should pursue the Ruth auto having any possible legitimacy and try to find out more about Mr. Core (Gore?).

If anyone knows sidewritten bats (Marcus?) and would like to help find out a bit more about it since I've never owned one please chime in or email me at t_byington@yahoo.com


Tim Byington