Quote Originally Posted by larryk View Post
As a new member to the forum, I wonder, do you people have nothing better to do with your time? Seriously. You guys need to get a life. As long as you are receiving real and great product, who cares who owns the freaking company. I have done business with almost every auction house in the business, and I have dealt with Historic Auctions as well. I wish I had all this time in my life to research what email people do things from, their middle names, etc. This is getting ridiculous. Hope you people can find something better to talk about than this stuff one day, like if things are real and fake, isnt this what this forum is for anyways???


First, welcome to the forum. I fell odd welcoming you when your first post is basically for everyone to get a life, but I'll take the high road.

Second, your initial post makes no sense.

If your interest is truly to know if items are real and fake, then you should see the value in the above information.

All of the information is valuable in helping the consumer make an informed decision on whether to buy or not to buy from Historic Auctions.

Unfortunately since Mr. Brown and his company have not been good about sharing information about conflicts of interest, people around here have had to do it on their own.

Feel free to enjoy the site. Not sure your approach to meeting fellow forum members is one I would have chosen, but you can make your own decisions.

As an aside in my tenure as moderator I have seen the same pattern time and time again. Every time someone is caught with their hand in the cookie jar, a "new forum member" comes on here and tells everyone to get a life. You're going to have to do better than that.
Good luck,