Quote Originally Posted by allstarsplus View Post
I already put in my request for Albert's first jersey. Everyone else get in line!
I wish you luck on getting Pujols's first Angels' jersey. However, I don't think it will have nearly the monetary value as his Cards jerseys if he had stayed in St. Louis. But regardless, I hope you enjoy the shirt.

As for Albert himself, I agree with Smitty. If I were a Cards fan I would feel really betrayed. Pujols sacrificed team loyalty and went for the highest dollar. I really don't like what he did.

What really makes me mad is how he told the Cardinals' fans at the WS Parade how he wanted to stay in St. Louis. Another line from an insincere athlete going blind from the dollar signs in his eyes.

One of the qualities I admire most in athletes is team loyalty. You play the game for the fans; they are the ones who truly pay your salary. It's really sad that few pro athletes play their entire career for one team anymore.

That's why I admire people like Craig Biggio and Jeff Bagwell. They wanted to win in Houston and could have left and gotten more money elsewhere. But they loved their town and their team and wouldn't do that to the fans.

This is a sad day for baseball. And I will make sure to make my disapproval known when the Angels come to Seattle next year.