Originally Posted by frikativ54
That's why I admire people like Craig Biggio and Jeff Bagwell. They wanted to win in Houston and could have left and gotten more money elsewhere. But they loved their town and their team and wouldn't do that to the fans.
frikativ: How do you know this? Have they personally told you this?
Have you perhaps considered they stayed for themselves? Some players
care more about their legacy than money, some don't want to move
their families, some are just comfortable staying where they are. Others may
see future job opportunities after their playing days are over if they stick
with one team. Others might benefit by getting more endorsements.
Do you think Ripken would have been able to start his memorabilia
company had he changed teams during his consecutive games run
and other milestones? He is one of many, including MY favorite player Jeter,
who has benefited from staying with one team...You can interpret this
as loyalty to the fans but I am not so naive... however I still enjoy
watching the baseball and I don't mind spending my hard earned dollars on
going to a ballgame and having a good time.

It also disturbs me that many of the people who hate their players leaving for money are guilty of it in their own lives. Know anyone who left their job for a higher paying one or a promotion to a better company? I have personally, so what is the difference? The fact it's millions of dollars versus thousands of dollars for a needy family is the reply I always get to this argument but to use that as an excuse is mere semantics. I can't be mad at someone doing what I do just because I will miss their talent on a team I root for.
Thanks Gingi for stating this.

Fans always act like these players should play for less than their value because
they make millions and if it weren't for the fans..blah blah blah

As Andrew noted Pujols has been one of the most underpaid players for
years. Good for him for getting his worth and in my opinion, and then
some to make up for those underpaid years!

And for those always complaining about the plight of their small market
teams...be thankful for revenue sharing or else there probably wouldn't
even be a team in your small market city. In my opinion MLB is watered down
with all these teams and would be better off without some of these teams anyways...
Pujols Angels products selling out means money for everyone!

I just hope the Cards fans appreciate Pujols for what he did.