Funny you should bring it up just now. I was going through some things this past week, and came across an old coin bank that my mother owned from the time she was a kid, back in the '30s and '40s. I haven't had time to pick the lock on it and check out its contents, but I remember her showing it to me when I was a kid, and letting me examine the coins in it. It's been probably close to fifty years, but I remember that there were some coins from the early 1800s in it, for certain. I kind of doubt that there's anything extremely valuable to be found in it, and unless there were I'd probably hold onto the entire contents just for sentimental reasons, but I'll check it out this weekend.

Hey, since we're off-topic anyway, I've just, in the last week, begun renewing an interest in collecting old (early '60s and older) police competitive shooting medals. My collection has been packed away in a closet for a number of years, but I'm going to have to drag it out and reaquaint myself with what I already have. I know that there are a couple of White House Police shooting medals from the '40s in there, and some other interesting stuff.