Quote Originally Posted by Mat2786@aol.com View Post
First off, I am now the owner of the M9 Ryan Howard LVS Bat. I would like to say that I had a great transaction with Begnya. This is not the first time I have done business with Begnya. I have had many transactions with Begnya. For one he responds to email right away. He answered all of my questions and once we sent him the money, the bat was sent out the next day. I recieved the bat two days after money was recived. I think the way you guys have treated him is ridiculous. I hear all this stuff about him but it sounds so stupid. First off, Reid let me ask you a simple question, what would you rather have a ROY bat from Ryan Howard where he batted around i think it was .288 with 22 HRs and 60 some RBIs or a bat from possibly in my opinion the MVP for this year Ryan Howard who has 58+HRs this year and 146+ RBIs and batting over .300? I would rather have the bat from his possible MVP year. Anyway, about the Darren Daulton game used jersey, the big question I have since I haven't seen it is, WAS IT REAL? did it have all the right tagging? If so what does it matter if it came from the phillies or not? Not to mention that I have gone to the phillies fanfest for the past four years. And I know for a fact that the first two years i went they didn't give out any COAs from themselves. So once you bought an item from them all you got was the recipt of how much you paid. So lets say BEGNYA bought the bat on ebay and then was told by the seller on ebay that he got it from the phillies. How hard is that to believe and as long as it is real what is the big deal? Can you prove it wasn't bought at the phillies fanfest? As for the burrell bat, It is BEGNYA's bat, he can sell it to whom ever he wants for whatever he wants. I'm not trying to start a fight here, but i don't understand how you can ban someone who seems like a good guy. And i have had many great transactions with him. Not to mention that his ebay feedback is great. Like I said I am not try to cause a fight.

Tom, Matt, or whatever your name is this week,

Enough. Don't further insult our intelligence. You are perhaps the poorest liar on GUF and that is no small accomplishment.

Go waste someone else's time.
