What an odd statement to make, "I know you're trying to draw me out and look for trouble". Draw you out? Trouble? HARDLY! Per your previous post, you specifically said to start a new thread if Forum members desired to discuss Masauction-exactly what I did. Nothing more, nothing less. No harm, no foul.

A fellow Forum reader then chimes in about Mitch's mother passing, and sitting Shiva? I believe you specifically noted that we should keep to just the facts, correct? Although I'm sorry to hear this, how does this have any bearing on this post?

As such, please elaborate on your earlier and current statements about Mitch's help in the hobby. I'm not aware of his recent contributions and it appears you have first hand knowledge of this.


Howard Wolf

Quote Originally Posted by Eric View Post

I know you're trying to draw me out and look for trouble.

I can tell you that there is a lot that goes on off the forum as far a corroborating the content that is posted here. Mitch is always good about answering questions that I send to him, I have to say I respect him for that. From behind the scenes he has done a lot to help the hobby since we've been around. That's all I'd like to say about the subject.

I only know the current Mitch Schumaker and I can tell you he's been valuable for the hobby.