To Forum Moderators

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  • 34swtns
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2006
    • 1120

    Re: To Forum Moderators


    At least I'm not the only one getting the Gestapo treatment around here.

    Thanks for taking the heat off of me for a moment fellas.

    (At least until this gets deleted. In 5......4.......3.....2.......).


    • joelsabi
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2005
      • 3073

      Re: To Forum Moderators

      I reread your intent and see my closing the thread unnecessary as long as we keep this on topic as it gets tiresome. This is what I was writing when I previewed before I saw your last post.


      The last update on the transaction platform was 6 months ago. If you want an update you email Chris.

      Since then the GUU has started its ties to 8D Auction, it has priority over the Transaction Platform. This is understandable from a business perspective.

      There are times when I would have benefited from a over $500 to sell an item and made a transaction through private emails instead or listed the bat on Ebay. I see the strength in have a higher limit to allow room for negotiation. On the other side, how many threads have we seen where people complain about being burned (ie. not getting the item) for items bought on the forum. So I see both points of view. Personally, I would be willing to pay a fee to sell an item on the C2C section.

      I don't see how this add to what has already be talked about for this topic but that is my opinion and you asked for it.


      Joel S.
      joelsabi @
      Wanted: Alex Rodriguez Game Used Items and other unique artifacts, 1992 thru 1998 only. From High School to Early Mariners.


      • legaleagle92481
        • Oct 2009
        • 2538

        Re: To Forum Moderators

        Originally posted by CollectGU
        Because the forum members are asking for it ad nauseum, and I don't see the downside to it. There is no more or less liability to the forum by increasing the limit. The hockey forum does it without problems. Why not satisfy the requests of the majority of forum members if it doen't hurt the forum in any way. I don't understand the logic...

        The liability isn't the issue. They don't want high dollar transactions being cut without them getting a piece. Thats smart business. Why allow others to sell 1,000s worth of stuff on your site without compensation?


        • Nnunnari
          • Sep 2006
          • 875

          Re: To Forum Moderators

          Everybody is frustrated because no forum moderator will actually come out and tell the truth, their answers make zero logical sense. It's obviously about the business interest of GUU, which is totally understandable.
          They either want to steer all high end items towards their auctions (why wouldn't they? just come out and admit it, nobody would be mad), want to start a pay-to-sell classified section (again, understandable, just give us a target date for the launch) or they're just lazy. The liability argument is weak and almost insulting.
          Just come to grips with the fact that they're trying to figure out the best way to make money off of this highly visited site but won't admit it and it's taking a long time to figure out on their end.



          • Titans74
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2010
            • 269

            Re: To Forum Moderators

            Originally posted by Nnunnari
            Everybody is frustrated because no forum moderator will actually come out and tell the truth, their answers make zero logical sense. It's obviously about the business interest of GUU, which is totally understandable.
            They either want to steer all high end items towards their auctions (why wouldn't they? just come out and admit it, nobody would be mad), want to start a pay-to-sell classified section (again, understandable, just give us a target date for the launch) or they're just lazy. The liability argument is weak and almost insulting.
            Just come to grips with the fact that they're trying to figure out the best way to make money off of this highly visited site but won't admit it and it's taking a long time to figure out on their end.


            Well said and agreed 100%.
            "Let me start by telling you this: I have never used steroids, period."


            • GameWornJCollector
              • Aug 2008
              • 45

              Re: To Forum Moderators

              GUYS LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


              • 34swtns
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2006
                • 1120

                Re: To Forum Moderators

                Originally posted by GameWornJCollector
                GUYS LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                You're missing the point, entirely (not to mention several letters in words you've attempted to type).

                Most of our "target audience" is right here. Not on ebay. These are the guys who we want to see the stuff we have for sale and who we would like to have first shot at items they might be looking for.
                And since we're not allowed to post threads saying "Hey guys, I've got an item posted on ebay that some of you may be interested in", being able to sell here at whatever price necessary would make the most sense.
                I'm sure most of us would not mind paying a fee to sell here as we're already paying fees to ebay.
                It's a guaranteed revenue stream for GUU and if I were in charge would have been implemented long ago.


                • b.heagy
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2006
                  • 1263

                  Re: To Forum Moderators

                  create a platform that users must register and provide a credit card to prove identity and charge a small percentage of what the item sells for (5% ?).
                  Bill Heagy
                  Go Phillies !


                  • shoremen44
                    Senior Member
                    • Jul 2007
                    • 1161

                    Re: To Forum Moderators

                    The liability isn't the issue. They don't want high dollar transactions being cut without them getting a piece. Thats smart business. Why allow others to sell 1,000s worth of stuff on your site without compensation?I run a wholesale sales organization... I also run our internet business, and we constantly talk about not leaving money on the table and doing what needs to be done to ensure our sales grow and we instead of others profit from our products...

                    In regards to game used stuff... I have bought and sold tens of thousands of dollars worth of GU bats in the past year...

                    I hate ebay and list there only as a last resort

                    I don’t like to use auction houses as the sellers premium puts me off, and when I want to sell it is usually quickly to buy something else.

                    I have bought and sold most of my items through emails with other GU collectors... the people on this site... I would have gladly paid a small fee to list items over $500... or if you want to really clean up the c to c postings... charge a couple of bucks for every post

                    My point is that if GUU is limiting the c to c postings to $500 in hopes to drive business their way, they are sorely mistaken... they could have had a piece of all of my transactions... while that may only amount to a little $... imagine a small piece of every transaction that goes on with members on this board... it all adds up to significant business

                    A small charge to post in the c to c section with a disclaimer that GUU is not responsible for any transaction, only the vehicle with which to list creates a place where we can all benefit... GUU receives a piece of the action that is already occurring without them, as well as I guarantee increased membership, and we all get visibility to the items we want and a able to sell in a place we are all comfortable with

                    Always looking for Matt Wieters, Tettleton, and that Orioles magic



                    • dcgreg25
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 1416

                      Re: To Forum Moderators

                      Originally posted by 34swtns

                      At least I'm not the only one getting the Gestapo treatment around here.

                      Thanks for taking the heat off of me for a moment fellas.

                      (At least until this gets deleted. In 5......4.......3.....2.......).
                      It is pretty simple, follow the forum rules andyour posts will not be deleted. Eliminate the personal attacks, baiting,and taking threads off topic and they will be left alone. I am not sure how else to explain it. The rules are posted in blackand white, there is no hidden agenda.

                      Let me use this thread to clarify a couple other things. I am a collector like all the other members on here and the moderators. The moderators are volunteers who are working to keep the forum as a gathering place where people are free to exchange ideas and information on the hobby. We have NO economic participation in GUU, 8D Auctions, sales platform, etc. and are unpaid. We do not have ownership of the site.

                      Is the forum perfect? No. I have issues with the forum from time to time but I choose to air them in emails to Chris or other members directly. While I may not always get the results I want, I respect the decisions and communicate that way leaving the forum for its stated purpose. If anyone wants to discuss my opinions on the $500 limit or email me with questions or concerns on how I/we moderate the site, please feel free to email me or the other moderators directly. My ONLY interest is in the forum being the best place it can for collectors.


                      • CampWest
                        Senior Member
                        • May 2008
                        • 1507

                        Re: To Forum Moderators

                        I find it interesting that there is only a per-item limit, not a transactional limit. If a deal goes south is probably a whole transaction rather than just a single item. If there were a 3 @ $450 each deal on CtoC, thats okay at a $1350 for the transaction, but a single $500 is okay. Makes no sense.

                        Secondly, there is no similar limit on the Wanted section. So while it is not okay to use GUU for $500+ item that is in initiated in the sell forum, it is perfectly okay to do so in the buy forum.

                        This whole issue has not really impacted me too much as there just isn't too many items I've missed on as only a handful of items in my collection are above $500. And on the selling side of things, I've, like Bert, easily completed transactions above $500 through GUU, personally I've done so by finding the exact same interested buyers on the wanted board.

                        I understand why people are frustrated, but the alternatives of pay to post and such are not-desirable to me personally. I am fine with keeping things the way they are, the only change I really want is to remove the CtoC limit without charging additional fees, because frankly the only service gained from those fees is not having a limit.
                        Wes Campbell


                        • xpress34
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 2648

                          Re: To Forum Moderators

                          Originally posted by dcgreg25
                          Is the forum perfect? No. I have issues with the forum from time to time but I choose to air them in emails to Chris or other members directly. My ONLY interest is in the forum being the best place it can for collectors.
                          Greg -

                          I emailed BOTH you and Chris about an issue I had a while back and never heard a peep back from anyone.

                          - Smitty


                          • dcgreg25
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 1416

                            Re: To Forum Moderators

                            Originally posted by xpress34
                            Greg -

                            I emailed BOTH you and Chris about an issue I had a while back and never heard a peep back from anyone.

                            - Smitty
                            Feel free to email me again and I would be happy to repsond.


                            • ChrisCavalier
                              Paid Users
                              • Jan 1970
                              • 1967

                              Re: To Forum Moderators

                              Originally posted by yanks12025
                              Cause they don't care about us. It's the Occupy Wall Street movement, we are the 99% and their the 1%.

                              90% of the stuff they have done is to better them, and not about the forum.
                              So let me get this straight, you have access to a free forum and free listing on this site up to $500 and we "don't care out [you]". Actually, I think the forum has served a great purpose in providing a free venue for people to get information which was it's original intent. It was not created to provide a free service for people to sell items with us providing free services that require our time to moderate.

                              There is really no need to keep creating threads where people ask for free access to selling all their merchandise without a fee with no remuneration for the provider. In fact, I just called my electric company and asked them to provide their service to me completely free and they laughed out loud (I guess similar to Dave O'Brien's laugh).

                              We are right now looking at if and how we would offer a service like this on GUU. Right now there are a number of venues you can use to sell items of higher value and I believe all of them will charge a fee to do so. As I said, this is something we are looking at right now. At the moment, if you do have higher end items you can offer them through our auctions and we will evaluate the items, etc before they are offered to our customers.

                              Again, I don't see the need to continue talking about raising the limits on the free service we offer and I certainly don't see this as something where our members do not benefit from the free service we provide. If the free service is not something people like, I guess another option might be to eliminate it entirely since people seem to complain more about it than being thankful for it. I am certainly not interested in being compared to greedy bankers when we are giving something to our members for free.

                              Hope that helps. I am closing this thread and people can contact me directly if they have any further questions.

                              Christopher Cavalier
                              Consignment Director - Heritage Auctions

