Fellow members: I wanted share with you some information I got today, which is distressing to say the least. We all know that Bricol is what it is, however I did have a decent relationship with them for a while, and a year ago, they sold a jersey of mine and although Sharon told me Brian was sick and things were crazy there, "I mailed the check on Monday." That was 8 months ago and they neither answer phone calls or respond to emails now. I sued them in California Small Claims Court and my case was to be heard today. Turns out you cannot sue someone in small claims court in CA unless you can serve them in the state. This means Brian Collard, Sharon Collard, and Bricol Sports Auction have basically stolen my jersey (the correct legal term would be "conversion"). While I realize that most people on this forum are very knowledgeable, I am posting this to save any newbies from getting taken like I did. I gave them every chance to pay me, and they ignored me, knowing I couldn't touch them. The judge told me to be careful when consigning to online auctions, as they must be registered in YOUR state if you want to sue them, unless you know when they're in your state visiting and you can serve them at that time. Lesson learned by me...the hard way.