I am new to this collector stuff so bear with me.
My brother-in-law passed away recently and we acquired a good bit of autographed Brett Favre memorabilia he had collected including a pair of autographed game worn cleats.

It turns out that the cleats are from a very special game to our family. The November 16, 2003 game at Tampa Bay. It was during this game that my family was at my father’s bedside in a local hospice. My father was a great Green Bay Packers fan and we all watched this game together. My father fell into unconsciousness during the second half but we kept him apprised of the score and told him that the Packers won the game for him! Dad passed away within minutes of the end of the game.
You can imagine our surprise when we found the cleats and realized they were from THAT GAME!

Anyways, we really don’t know what to do with them. We believe they have considerable value but – is it enough to override the sentimental value my family feels towards them?

So, I guess my question to the forum is: What value would be placed on these cleats? They include a signed letter from Brett Favre and a photo of him signing both cleats. One cleat is also inscribed with the date, 11/16/03; the opponent, Tampa Bay; and the final score, 20-13.

Any information would be appreciated.

Thank You,
Alan Grossmeier