I have been pondering what to do with this jersey for some time. Your thoughts would be appreciated.

I have a 1978 set 2 Twins road jersey. It was held over to 1979 and worn by Jerry Koosman. After the season it was sent to the minors and had a name and number change. You can clearly see the outline of "KOOSMAN" on the jersey.

The company who prepares the Twins jerseys since 1961 is still in business and is local. They could restore the jersey.

My question is: 1) should the jersey be restored and 2) how do you document the restoration.

If the jersey is restored you will be able to see the outline of the other name and number on the back plus the wear on the jersey will not match the name and number on the back.

How do you document it? I have pictures that clearly show the outline but who is to say it is even the same jersey after the restoration is done. Some could say it was a minor leaguers jersey I converted into a Koosman jersey. So how do you go about authenticating it?

I appreciate any and all thoughts.
