Quote Originally Posted by trsent View Post
I am proud of Roger Clemens standing up for truth, justice and the American Way. When the first trial was thrown out it should have been over. No reason our government is spending tax dollars trying to convict an innocent man of lying to Congress.

Isn't there more important people to seek out with taxpayer dollars?

Isn't there hungry to feed?

Isn't there a health care issue?

This list could go on and on, but the point is tax dollars looking to get Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens were wasted tax dollars that should have been spent better. Even if they had received a conviction, what would have their point been? The whole process was a joke and I'm sorry Roger's name was dragged through the media's mud because of an unnecessary trial.

A jury of our peers deemed him innocent on all six charges, so you can convict him in your mind if you wish but then you go against the court system which clearly found the man innocent on all charges.
While I wholeheartedly agree that this was a colossal waste of tax dollars, labeling Clemens "innocent" isn't quite right, they found him "not guilty," and there's a difference. My personal opinion is the man is a liar, a doper, and a jerk, but my opinion doesn't matter at all (just ask my wife!)

I don't want perjurers (or possible perjurers) to go scott-free, and I really wish the dopers in baseball had some sort of actual punishment, but man, I hate to see all this money go in such a seemingly-useless direction!
