So the other day I bought a bat off ebay, the bat comes and I like it. I send photos to other bat experts about it and some suspect that the knob may have been altered. Meaning had inch marks and then sanded off or something, I can't see any parts of numbers on the knob. So today I sent the bat to Taube and let him look at it and he'll decided whether it was altered or not.

Now I paid a good amount of money for the bat. The seller wasn't selling it as a pro model bat or anything, just as a old bat. But I asked whether there was anything on the knob and they replied with a just a nick but not drastic.

So obviously if it comes back as being altered I have a case to get my money back. Am I right? So should I open a dispute with the seller right now or wait to hear back whether it being altered or not? Should I tell the seller that it may be altered. Besides this item, I don't think the seller has sold anything esle related to baseball in the past. Thanks