NCAA's Poor Leadership

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  • cohibasmoker
    • Aug 2005
    • 2379

    Re: NCAA's Poor Leadership

    I find the entire case interesting;

    1) In 1998, the sexual abuse case was reported to the Police by Paterno and school officials and the case taken to the Grand jury. The Grand Jury (NOT PENN STATE) found there was NOT enough evidence and the case was thrown out.

    2) In 1999, even though the case was dismissed, Penn State released the predator from Penn State.

    3) There are claims that there was a massive cover-up. If there was such a cover-up, why weren't any school "academics" charged in the cover-up? I think an appropriate charge would be conspiracy.

    4) I find it convenient that most of the blame was put on the dead guy. NICE

    Just some thoughts,



    • coxfan
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2009
      • 715

      Re: NCAA's Poor Leadership

      I'm not opposed to closing this thread, but there are a couple of very general issues that have been created anew by NCAA's actions:

      1) PRECEDENT: Although the NCAA justified its actions by the word "unprecedented", their very actions have now created a precedent that may prove untenable over the long term. The NCAA has now extended its prerogatives far beyond its traditional role of assuring fair play on the field; and thus given themselves almost unlimited power to act to any extent they wish, whenever legal issues of any kind arise anywhere. I see this as a poorly-thought out action they may regret in time, for it could probably receive a strong legal challenge.

      2) REWRITING HISTORY: The vacating of over 100 wins is a paper exercise that ignores the fact that those games were won by hundreds of hard-working athletes. Now, nobody's records anywhere will ever be secure, as NCAA has shown that it observes no statute of limitations on rewriting history at will.

      In fact, vacating wins only confuses a historical record that will probably remain intact without regard to the NCAA's retroactive changing of results attained for many years back. I cannot see other colleges revising their media guides en masse to change their losses to Penn State into wins, anymore than I can MLB vacating tainted HR records, or the games those tainted HR's helped to win.


      • cohibasmoker
        • Aug 2005
        • 2379

        Re: NCAA's Poor Leadership

        Originally posted by cohibasmoker
        I find the entire case interesting;

        1) In 1998, the sexual abuse case was reported to the Police by Paterno and school officials and the case taken to the Grand jury. The Grand Jury (NOT PENN STATE) found there was NOT enough evidence and the case was thrown out.

        2) In 1999, even though the case was dismissed, Penn State released the predator from Penn State.

        3) There are claims that there was a massive cover-up. If there was such a cover-up, why weren't any school "academics" charged in the cover-up? I think an appropriate charge would be conspiracy.

        4) I find it convenient that most of the blame was put on the dead guy. NICE

        Just some thoughts,

        As a follow-up, below is a link to the Board of Directors for Division 1 of the NCAA. Note the members official duties


        • Chris78
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2007
          • 377

          Re: NCAA's Poor Leadership

          Originally posted by coxfan
          I'm not opposed to closing this thread, but there are a couple of very general issues that have been created anew by NCAA's actions:

          1) PRECEDENT: Although the NCAA justified its actions by the word "unprecedented", their very actions have now created a precedent that may prove untenable over the long term. The NCAA has now extended its prerogatives far beyond its traditional role of assuring fair play on the field; and thus given themselves almost unlimited power to act to any extent they wish, whenever legal issues of any kind arise anywhere. I see this as a poorly-thought out action they may regret in time, for it could probably receive a strong legal challenge.

          2) REWRITING HISTORY: The vacating of over 100 wins is a paper exercise that ignores the fact that those games were won by hundreds of hard-working athletes. Now, nobody's records anywhere will ever be secure, as NCAA has shown that it observes no statute of limitations on rewriting history at will.

          In fact, vacating wins only confuses a historical record that will probably remain intact without regard to the NCAA's retroactive changing of results attained for many years back. I cannot see other colleges revising their media guides en masse to change their losses to Penn State into wins, anymore than I can MLB vacating tainted HR records, or the games those tainted HR's helped to win.
          Thank you for your comments. It is related to what I am saying/thinking since last Monday. I also feel this way with any college and not just Penn State.

          I also agree with the comment by trying to put the blame on a dead man. If I am not mistaken, Joe Paterno was never charged in the cover up.

          Time will only tell on how this all plays out. I personally feel that the title I placed on my thread "NCAA's Poor Leadership" is going to be the end result. The NCAA is abusing their power. Keep in mind, two people at Penn State face charges and have not even gone to court yet.


          • philliephyl
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2012
            • 29

            Re: NCAA's Poor Leadership

            ncaa has way overstepped their bounds. for many many yrs they have stayed out of handing out violations when a criminal situation is involved because they say the courts will handle it.
            They have a long history of keeping their hands off. last yr notre dame players rape a girl and threaten her if she goes to the cops. she ended up committing suicide. ncaa said they had no jurisdiction.
            also at notre dame was the outdoor practice on a windy day and one of the student managers fell off the skeleton lift thingy and died. the coach said first priority is getting the team ready for saturday, then he said it was safety. after a couple days he switched his remarks. but ncaa said they couldn't get involved.
            baylor bball in the early 200's, one player kills another player and the coach tells the players to lie to the cops about it. ncaa says they have no jurisdiction.
            cam newton's dad offers to sell his son to mississppi state. ncaa doesn't punish anyone because there were no rules in place forbidding that.
            I'm not saying anyone of these things is worse than the other or how it compares with what sandusky did. all are horrible situations.

            one of the issues was giving one or a couple men to much power. so the board of the ncaa gave all of the power to emeritt. and used every bit of his power.

            a point on sandusky's retirement package. he was given that package before the charges were brought up. charges brought up but never charged. then he retired. there was no reason to alter anything. then after the 01 incident joe said he didn't want jerry in the football bldg, but was told by the board he didn't have that authority.


            • metsbats
              • Nov 2005
              • 3840

              Re: NCAA's Poor Leadership

              Closing this now as it was on a short leash anyway.

              Thanks for the feedback.

              Always looking for 1973,1986,1988,1999,2000,2006 game used Mets post season and Bobby M. Jones and Ed Hearn NY Mets game used bats.

