The other day, I found some old clothes from my High School days in the attic. The waist size was 26 and I could barely get my old shirts on - I must have forgotten that I took steroids because at 58, those clothes don't fit me any more.

When I worked in Atlantic City, there were marathons and athletic events all the time. I specifically remember the "Race Across America" contest. When the contestants crossed the finish line, they were escorted, by a race official, to a bathroom where they were required to submit a urine sample. The race official NEVER left the side of the participant until the urine sample was taken. I believe its the same procedure at the Tour De France.

As for Lance Armstrong, he is the most tested athlete in the history of sports and he has NEVER, I repeat NEVER gotten a positive test for any type of steroid or growth enhancing drug in his system NEVER. As a somewhat reasonable person, I would have to think that;

1) somewhere along the 500 or so tests, there must have been at least a single positive test?
2) if he was "doping" one would think if he was smart enough to beat the tests, he would be smart enough to not tell anyone or at least be smart enough to hide his activities.

I thing he is being tried by the court of public opinion and until a positive test shows up or he admits taking a growth hormone (s) or other enhancement drug (s), I don't care what statements people make, - show me the test (s) results.

Just some thoughts,
