No posts on probably one of the biggest August trades in recent memory, so I'll start.

I think this one is actually going to be a win-win for both sides if the Dodgers can go deep into the postseason this year and in 2013. Obviously, Boston wins with the salary relief and the chance to finally play some of the prospects who are waiting in the wings.

A-Gon should finally be back to basics in LA, I'm sure he'll be happy to be back on the West Coast. Same with Crawford, he actually looked good since he came back and he was playing injured. I think both are going to be big pickups for LA over the next couple of seasons... A-Gon will be missed in Boston.

Beckett is a different story at this point, Boston obviously wore him down—he has been getting booed off the mound at every home start since late May. He sort of ended up with the Clemens effect, being a hero who seemed to turn sullen and selfish and for that the press and fans just ate him alive. I think that factors into part of why he's been so awful this season. Absolutely hated the last few months here, I can't remember any player being this disliked... He's either going to get tossed into some exciting postseason games and will flourish or LA will be his last stop as a starting pitcher.

... and Punto seems like a nice guy and can help carry everybody's bags to the park.