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  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    John...it all reminds me of on the job and the character witnesses that come out and say "S1 never hit me". Lots of flash and deflecting comments...where have we ever seen any of that before.

    Jake...apparently you are not allowed to reference Dillinger because he never robbed you personally. So you have no say..haha.

    Suave...the laughable comment has nothing to do with being able to afford a jersey. It's called budgeting. If I have $1,000 tied up with you on a shirt, I will likely be waiting for that shirt and not looking at other shirts that are out there.

    Plus one of the longest members? Many of the big names that have fallen recently have been involved in the hobby for a long long time. Just because you have not been caught does not mean that the past does not exist...

  2. #22
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    Ok guys im replying from my cell phone so i cant give a long response so ill reply back a bit later.

    To make it short and sweet. It has nothing to do with arrogance or cocky. But no im not going to sit here and be humble when everyone decides they want to attack me. To be honest I dont know too many people who are humble when being attacked by people after someone tries to call someone out with information because they have a chip on there shoulder.

    Again I will finish later

  3. #23
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    Quote Originally Posted by suave1477 View Post
    Ok guys im replying from my cell phone so i cant give a long response so ill reply back a bit later.

    To make it short and sweet. It has nothing to do with arrogance or cocky. But no im not going to sit here and be humble when everyone decides they want to attack me. To be honest I dont know too many people who are humble when being attacked by people after someone tries to call someone out with information because they have a chip on there shoulder.

    Again I will finish later
    You're not being attacked in my opinion. Regardless whether or not someone has an agenda with you the facts still remain. Negative factual information was presented concerning you. People are reacting to that information and are concerned in dealing with you as a result. You have made no attempts to explain what happened and how all that feedback resulted. Instead you display a cocky and arrogant attitude and expect that is going to sway people to want to deal with you? We all understand people do make mistakes and I think just a little humility would be in order here.

  4. #24
    Moderator TNTtoys's Avatar
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!


    This thread unfortunately has run its course. I will be locking it up shortly, but as suave has offered a long explanation, I will give him the opportunity to post that explanation first.

    Looking for ...
    Any Game Used Mets jerseys from 1986 and 1987
    Any Keith Hernandez, Ron Darling, Lee Mazzilli and John Olerud Mets items
    Email me at TNT_Toys@yahoo.com

  5. #25
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    To clear the air by my own choice.

    Some items that I sold through ebay were planned to be shipped in a normal time frame. Unfortunately I was called away on work (my 9 to 5) and they got held up. As soon as I returned back within days as I am sure everyone knows by now we were hit with Hurricaine Sandy. Which further delayed the shipping because nothing was open and when they were there was no means of transporation to get to them. Transportation was shut down in NYC for over a week. There was limited gas for almost 2 to 3 weeks. To add salt into the wound as I was not directly effected meaning my home, but my family's house was. They lost everything. All there furniture, clothing, car, etc.... to the point when they did move back in they are now sleeping on the floor!! They were just getting by financially until the storm hit. My priorities at that point was to help them. Not to ignore my original buyers, but to just help my family in some way get back on there feet. When I wasnt at work, I was at there house pumping water, throwing out mildew clothes, and furniture. I reached out to the buyers and tried to explain to them what the problems were. Some understood and some really didnt care. What actually bothered me the most was 2 of them with out even giving me a chance to reach out to them left negative feedback because other posted negative feedback. When I did speak with them I asked why would you leave negative feedback with out giving me a chance to speak with you. They said well because others did and they felt they werent going to get there items either!! So they automatically jumped the gun and left negative feedback. So I hope everyone is happy now hearing the tradgedy of my family. As mentioned I still fulfilled my end of the bargain with some of those who wanted there items and even though they left negative feedback I still sent there items out to them. Some just wanted a refund and they received there refund. No one got robbed and the ones who wanted there items got them.

    As far as people here judging my character I think is a joke. let me explain why. All of you are quick to crucify the seller. What about the buyer??
    Huge Example (I will not mention names) Someone on the forum who really really wanted an item for a couple of years kept posting want ads for an item. I happened to have it and really really didnt want to sell it. But I like the guy, and I know the Game Used item was of his favorite athlete. And I know what its like to want and item of your favorite athlete and cant find it or maybe another person has it and doesnt want to sell it. It Sucks!! So I said you know what this guy really wants I might as well as let him have it. So I reached out to him and said hey, I have the item do you want it he said YES. I sold it to him and again I was away woth work and got a little delayed to send it to him but I did send it a short time after. I did explain to him in emails what was going on, when I had the opportunity too.
    Our last communication was the buyer told me "I hope we can still be friends"
    We have not spoken since, because I am sure he has his life as well as I have mine.
    Then he comes on here out of the blue in (this thread) and points out the situation we had.
    First of all the past is the past!!! Second of all you have the nerve to say you hope we can still be friends and then turn around and try to call me out in this thread???? Thats a huge spit in the face especially after I sold something to the guy that he really wanted and that I really didnt want to sell. So lets talk about judging THE BUYERS character!!!

    The thing I find funny is that people on here feel they are god and should be judge and jury yes it is laughable. Because honestly if someone else was called out on this forum and if they decide they want to explain themselves or not is there business. I am a grown adult and can make a choice on my own whether I want to deal with that person that was called out or not. But I am sure not going to start posting posts on here saying he is obligated to defend himself. What are we 12 year olds??? Well maybe some of us are because that seems to be the mind frame of this forum that if something is called into question they must immedaitely come here and EXPLAIN!! Um wroooong. Your an adult as well as I am, make yoru choice to do what you want. But I personally do not feel anyone is obligated to come here and have to beg forgivness!!

    Some people take my remarks as being arrogant, harsh, cocky, none of them are true. I am just a rational realistic person and tired of the wash woman gossip.

    One last example which proves my point further of members on here. I love the ones who said oh I was interested in some of your items but after seeing this thread I am leery of buying from you. Ok so what happened to the past 90 days or so those items have been listed and you never contacted me about them?? All of a sudden today you wanted them??? lol Give me a break. Its just people looking to stir the pot!!

    Now this comment was not only repetitive but also laughable
    Suave...the laughable comment has nothing to do with being able to afford a jersey. It's called budgeting. If I have $1,000 tied up with you on a shirt, I will likely be waiting for that shirt and not looking at other shirts that are out there.

    Plus one of the longest members? Many of the big names that have fallen recently have been involved in the hobby for a long long time. Just because you have not been caught does not mean that the past does not exist...


    Firs of all you dont have a 1,000 tied up with me as I dont have any $1,000 items thats I am selling most are within a $50 to couple of hundred dollar range (but thats neither here nor there) But if you have a $1,000 tied up with me and I am sending you the item. Whats the difference if you want another shirt??? Either you can afford the other shirt or you cant, either way you wanted my item and decided to buy it. - So like I said this comment was rendundant

    Just because I been a long time member and have not been caught?? This was another ridiculous comment on 2 levels. It would be pretty hard to be a long time member here and not get caught!! And last but not least CAUGHT WITH WHAT?????
    Do you mean by being a slow shipper??? lmaooo Ok so if you want to label me being caught as a slow shipper, so be it!! lol If that makes you happy.

    And many of the names that have fallen? Yeah for forging, faking items. I do not and can no one here say I have ever ever ever faked an item. So dont even go down that road!!

    If the mods decide they want to lock up this thread that is there choice. I truely wish they would leave it open as this particular thread I think is educational on my character and would love to hear the responses good or bad. I will not slander anyones name!! I think the mods are doing a disservice to the game used collectors but locking this up. But again it is up to them.

  6. #26
    Senior Member gorilla777's Avatar
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    Just wanted an excuse to use this, that's all....
    Attached Images Attached Images  

  7. #27
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gorilla777 View Post
    Just wanted an excuse to use this, that's all....
    Now thats hysterical lol

  8. #28
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    Well thanks for offering an explanation as to what happened. I wasn't aware the time period in question was post-hurricane when everything was in chaos. I was also affected by Sandy and it took about 10 days for things to return to any semblance of normalcy for me.

  9. #29
    Senior Member tigerdale's Avatar
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    As far as people here judging my character I think is a joke. let me explain why. All of you are quick to crucify the seller. What about the buyer??
    Huge Example (I will not mention names) Someone on the forum who really really wanted an item for a couple of years kept posting want ads for an item. I happened to have it and really really didnt want to sell it. But I like the guy, and I know the Game Used item was of his favorite athlete. And I know what its like to want and item of your favorite athlete and cant find it or maybe another person has it and doesnt want to sell it. It Sucks!! So I said you know what this guy really wants I might as well as let him have it. So I reached out to him and said hey, I have the item do you want it he said YES. I sold it to him and again I was away woth work and got a little delayed to send it to him but I did send it a short time after. I did explain to him in emails what was going on, when I had the opportunity too.
    Our last communication was the buyer told me "I hope we can still be friends"
    We have not spoken since, because I am sure he has his life as well as I have mine.
    Then he comes on here out of the blue in (this thread) and points out the situation we had.
    First of all the past is the past!!! Second of all you have the nerve to say you hope we can still be friends and then turn around and try to call me out in this thread???? Thats a huge spit in the face especially after I sold something to the guy that he really wanted and that I really didnt want to sell. So lets talk about judging THE BUYERS character!!!

    I'm the buyer whose character is being judged....so let me reply. First, I can't give any facts on any of Jasons rebuttal to what has gone on in the rest of the thread except for the transaction I had w/ him. Anything more than my transaction w/ him would be purely opinion on my end. The hurricane was a horrible situation for so many & my heart goes out to anyone involved. I'm sure the ebay report brought in question, I would imagine no negatives were before the hurricane or no new listings after. I haven't checked & I'll take Jason on his word that's what happened. That being said, let me first say Jason, I hope all is well after the hurricane. You have been a long time member here & I have enjoyed many of your posts. As for our transaction, you stated "Someone on the forum who really really wanted an item for a couple of years kept posting want ads for an item. I happened to have it and really really didn't want to sell it. But I like the guy, and I know the Game Used item was of his favorite athlete. And I know what its like to want and item of your favorite athlete and cant find it or maybe another person has it and doesn't want to sell it. It Sucks!! So I said you know what this guy really wants I might as well as let him have it. So I reached out to him and said hey, I have the item do you want it he said YES. " Well, the email I got was the same email a half dozen other members got about an Ivan Rodriguez bat for sale, you offered it to multiple people. Next you state this "I sold it to him and again I was away woth work and got a little delayed to send it to him but I did send it a short time after. I did explain to him in emails what was going on, when I had the opportunity too." Well, if your sending it a short time after is over a month, then yes, you are correct. If explaining to me in emails what was going on means "I've been tied up w/ a lot of things" , "personal issues" and "it was shipped all ready " (when it wasn't), then yes, I guess you did explain to me what was going on. Finally you say "Our last communication was the buyer told me "I hope we can still be friends" We have not spoken since, because I am sure he has his life as well as I have mine." Yes, 100% my last email I said "I hope we can still be friends". That's my way of offering a handshake & hoping we can put everything behind us. But that email, like many of mine sent to you, was never answered. My last email from you had this to remember you by "I received an email from a mod on the forum that your complaining to them about me. I am not surr what you feel by going to them is going to accomplish??? I am a grown man as i thought you were. Do you feel one of the moderators is my father??? " So once again, the facts of our transaction was I replied to an email you had sent to me as well as others, I paid, after a month of no bat & very few emails answered, I contacted a moderator. I then finally received the bat. So if you want to call my character into question, I have nothing to hide. If getting a hold of a moderator after a month was out of line, Jason, I apologize. If posting my experience w/ our transaction was out of line , I apologize. I am more than happy if you want to call my character into question...heck, start a thread about it, because if I did anyone wrong, I'd want to make it right, at the very least apologize. I'm sure we all may upset some people w/out even knowing it. So yes, if theres anyone out there whose had bad dealings w/ me, as a buyer or seller, please let me know, on this thread or start a new one. Our character & reputation mean a lot, not just in this hobby but everyday life. I'm not out to make enemy's. I honestly think a lot of people just wanted you to say you took some of the blame or responsibility in some of those dealings. Maybe its the grandfather in me, but saying I'm sorry goes a long ways. So once again Jason, if I did something you felt out of line, I'm sorry. So ever after all this Jason, I'll still ask if you want to be friends, put this behind us. If so, I need to hear it from you too. I enjoy this hobby to much to hold a grudge or to knowingly upset someone else. I guess its back to you now.
    always looking for Detroit Tiger world series player bats......game used 2006 & 2012 world series items....Quintin Berry bats....also interested in Ivan Rodriguez bats...
    Thank you, Dale

  10. #30
    Join Date
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    Re: (New Thread) Game Used Jerseys, Bats and more for sale!!

    I think TigerDale you called your own character into question on this one, as I did not mention names nor did you mention I emailed you directly and you chose to reply here and air out your dirty laundry which further adds to my point. You could of easily just responded to me directly but instead you chose you want to get attention and make a point in front of everyone else.

    This all gets a bit childish and boring.

    If you would like to further continue this conversation you can email me directly or further prove my point, by discussing here.



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