This is kind of a continuation of a thread I started in the Current Auction Items section regarding the 1989 Road Schmidt jersey with the Lou Lampson LOA that was ultimately pulled from Vintage Authentics auction. I wanted to post this here, however, under a new thread because I felt that the content was interesting and important enough and I wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to read it, and maybe help me understand it...

In case you hadn't read that original thread, here's a quick background. I emailed Steve Jensen of Vintage Authentics, as I'm sure other folks did too, regarding the 1989 Schmidt Road jersey with the Lampson LOA and the problems that it had. Steve did reply and they pulled the item from the auction.

Now on to the good part:

When Steve replied that the jersey had been pulled, I replied back, first thanking him, then basically asking him what the deal was with Lou Lampson writing LOAs for everything under the sun.

I'll paraphrase his response (last time I put the exact text of an email in a thread, it got removed)...

He said that Lou was not to blame. Steve said that Lou does authenticate the items, but it is bestowed upon the auction house to do the LOA and have them signed by Lou. This is the part I don't understand - He said that just because an item has a Lou Lampson LOA, that doesn't necessarily mean that he actually passed the item.

I don't get it?!?! Just because an item has a Lampson LOA doesn't mean that he passed the item? Someone please help me make sense of that...
