Looking to thin out some bats . Pics avail please drop me an email
Ellis Burks LS T141 White Sox uncr @ $ 45.00
Ramon Casro Marucci cr MLB Auth ( caught Buehrle no Hitter) @ $ 50
Cris Singleton Raw 2000 White Sox cr @ $35
Mark Tehan LS M110 White Sox CR repaired @ $40
Ben Davis LS C271 White sox uncr @ $30
Sandy Alomar LS 069 White Sox @ $ 40
Cris Snopek LS C271 White Sox Auto CR $30
Toby Hall LS G174 White Sox uncr $ 30
Josh Fields LS 205 White Sox uncr $30
Ron Karkovice LS C271 White Sox deadwood $25
Julio Cruz LS crack nail on reverse $30
Craig Grabek LS M159 cr $25
Steve Lyons LS C243 Auto uncr $35
mark Kotsey LS L162 white sox uncr $35
Ivan Calderon LS O64 uncr $35
Donny Lucy LS T141 cr $25
Alexi Rameriz XBat uncr $100
Alahandro DeAza LS S239 uncr White Sox $85
Brent Lillibridge LS M110 uncr White Sox $35

Shipping is $9 each or 2 bats shipped at $12.50
Need to make some room any interest let me know we can make a deal