Washing a game used jersey

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  • jppopma
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2006
    • 926

    Re: Washing a game used jersey

    Roady, there are often very differing opinions on here. Washing or God forbid wearing a jersey will bring out the gloves with some people. To each their own.

    Personally, I think the money that I'd love in washing a jersey would be much less that the hospital bills from the nasties you might get or the lawyer bills for a divorce. Plus I find smelling someone else's body sweat and fluids to be just a little on the odd side...but that's just me.


    • both-teams-played-hard
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2005
      • 2712

      Re: Washing a game used jersey

      Originally posted by jppopma
      Plus I find smelling someone else's body sweat and fluids to be just a little on the odd side...but that's just me.
      Preserving another dude's grime isn't just a little on the odd side...it is very much like a stalker


      • both-teams-played-hard
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2005
        • 2712

        Re: Washing a game used jersey

        Originally posted by flaco1801
        ...anybody who puts a filthy jersey in their closet is not a collector he is a ....... Fill in the blank...
        See my above post...


        • Falcon
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2008
          • 160

          Re: Washing a game used jersey

          Just to add my two cents, a funny story. (And by no means am I implying that anyone who has anything to do with this thread is the person who emailed me.)

          As many of you know, I'm the original owner of the 9/11 John Abraham jersey which I purchased from NFL Auctions. There is an earlier thread in here that discusses the fact that I could not stand the smell of it, never thought it would leave my collection, so I washed it. A few months later, another jersey I wanted became available and I was forced to sell the Abraham jersey to be able to make this new purchase. I wish for the life of me I could remember who I sold it to, but one thing I know for sure. The buyer was made aware that I had laundered the jersey at home, hence the discounted price I gave him.

          Fast forward to this year's Hunt Super Bowl Auction. The same jersey came up for auction and sold for roughly $500. I have no idea if the person who consigned it to Hunt was the same buyer I sold it too or if it had exchanged hands prior to the Hunt sale.

          About a month or so after the auction had closed I got a very angry email from the buyer, who apparently purchased it for $500 or so, then tried to sell it on ebay for as high as $1,200.

          Here is the email in it's entirety, word for word, minus the cursing:

          "Hey im the one who bought the abraham 9/11 jersey on hunt and come to find out it was washed? Are you f&*%ing kidding me ? Who does some s%*t like that after they pay close to1k for a jersey what a joke and sad day for the hobby!!! Unreal dude, this is total bulls%*t!!! I contacted hunt and sent them your GUU post so they know that the item they sold was misrepresented to them and should of said washed in there listing but it wasnt!!! Total false bs!! Thats okay cuz i will get my money back for false advertisement nice job by the way!!! Take a beautiful jersey and destroy it like that cuz of the smell. Hope you like it coming back into your collection, be well!!!"

          So here is the email I sent back to him, again minus the cursing:

          "Look dude....I'm not the one who sold it on hunt. Check your facts. Whoever consigned it on hunt prob had gotten it from me but he's the one who misrepresented it, not me. The guy I sold it to knew exactly what it was...a washed Abe jersey hence the price.
          Why the f&*k would I go on a public forum like GUU and talk about washing it then try and pass it off on a national auction as unwashed??? Are u seriously that stupid?
          Washed or unwashed, that's a matter of preference anyway...not my problem u are into men's sweaty laundry."

          His email back to me:

          "The whole point of the game used hobby is use u clown! and u wash it away? are u that fuc&*%ng stupid! why do u collect it to ruin it by washing it? why bother? yeah i do collect sweaty mens laundry cuz it displays the game which is what most want minus the dbags who wear the jerseys or wash them. i dont let anyone dictate to me if im allowed to display or take a smelly jersey out of a bag! i have a set of balls and a spine! thanks! thanks for ruining the hobby. guys like u make me sick. go collect jersey cards! spend top dollar to wash away evidence and photo matches! lmfao! hahaha. what a joke"

          And my final email back to him:

          "Look man don't be mad at me cause u thought u could take a jersey that wouldn't even sell for 500 on Hunt and flip it on eBay for 1200???!!!
          I'm not even the guy u should be mad at. Call Hunt, find out the consigner and go from there. Geez, for a guy with "ballz and spine" this shouldn't be so hard.
          And I'm not the one who was tryin to tell u how to keep your jerseys. U where the one giving me s*%t for washing it. Just as u say, I don't let anyone dictate to me how or what I do with my jerseys. My 4,000-6,000 jerseys I don't wash. Not my fault u thought u could make a quick 700 and it didn't turn out that way..."

          Why am I sharing this? Well when I got the emails it first pissed me off but later made me laugh. Was just waiting for this subject to come up here so I could share this story...


          • Roady
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2012
            • 1430

            Re: Washing a game used jersey

            Thanks for sharing. It's good that you can look back on it now an laugh about it. I bet the other guy is still mad. Ruining his life over such a trivial thing.
            Some people get really bent out of shape about little things. They don't realize just how short life really is. It's sad.


            • Roady
              Senior Member
              • Jun 2012
              • 1430

              Re: Washing a game used jersey

              Originally posted by jppopma
              Roady, there are often very differing opinions on here. Washing or God forbid wearing a jersey will bring out the gloves with some people. To each their own.

              Personally, I think the money that I'd love in washing a jersey would be much less that the hospital bills from the nasties you might get or the lawyer bills for a divorce. Plus I find smelling someone else's body sweat and fluids to be just a little on the odd side...but that's just me.
              I can handle and expect people to disagree.
              What I have noticed in the last few years is some of those who simply disagree are quick to hurl insults and call names. I don't know if the internet provides them with the protection they need to show their true colors without fear of a bloody nose, or if they are just mean people all the time.
              I don't care what someone does with their property. It's none of my business. Why does anyone care?
              Do your thing and let the other guy do his.


              • Clemson2004
                • Jan 2013
                • 84

                Re: Washing a game used jersey

                I know this is a very sensitive subject, but to each their own. If it really comes down to photo matching, then fully document what you have in detail with all of the marks, imperfections, tears, and then wash it accordingly. I am not speaking for everyone here, but I collect for life (unless something life changing happens). So if you were to sell, you would have documentation. I can see where someone could have doubts, but for most game used jerseys, you have imperfections, alignment issues, etc, to help you photo match. I myself like the game used look. It just seems that it is up to you with what you like, even though you may have opposite opinions with your fellow board members.


                • cohibasmoker
                  • Aug 2005
                  • 2379

                  Re: Washing a game used jersey

                  Originally posted by paul457
                  I don't know... maybe it's me but I'm sensing a little paranoia with regards to the long term effects of dirt / sweat / grass stains on fabric. Can anyone provide proof that leaving a GU jersey in-tact, with all staining etc, will ruin a jersey? Or is this just a theory? Bacteria and the like general flourish with moisture and exposure to various catalysts - if your jersey is dry and hanging in a controlled environment (I put mine in shadowboxes), I would assume the chance of further growth is minimal / deterioration. Just a thought.

                  Someone asked why equipment managers wear gloves when handling fresh GU equipment? It's because the players general spit, sweat, blow snots, and bleed all over the place during games, so it's a precautionary measure for the staff against getting sick, or having a disease transmitted.

                  I own a couple of GU jerseys, one is covered in stains and is beaten up, while it hangs next to one that was washed. In all honesty, the washed jersey just doesn't hold a candle to the beaten, stained jersey. Just my opinion.
                  Your 2nd thought is perfect.

                  The question is, where does all those bodily fluids go? Perhaps a nice warm moist plastic bag and/or frame may not be the place to go but hey, its your money - spend it the way you want.



                  • otismalibu
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2005
                    • 1650

                    Re: Washing a game used jersey

                    The whole point of the game used hobby is use u clown! and u wash it away?

                    Don't equipment mgrs 'wash away the use' after each game?


                    • Roady
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2012
                      • 1430

                      Re: Washing a game used jersey

                      If you have a jersey that has a stain and you have it photomatched I would not want to wash it.

                      Anyone could always fabreeze them I guess and see it that helps with any smells. I have some game used jerseys that have not been washed that don't smell at all. I have some that do, not overly ripe, but it is there if you put your nose close enough.
                      I have hundreds of game used jerseys in a closet and you can open the door and will not notice any smells. Now my closet is cedar lines so I am sure that helps. And they are all in individual garment bags as well.

                      Now if anyone knows how to make batting gloves stop stinking I am all ears.


                      • jppopma
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2006
                        • 926

                        Re: Washing a game used jersey

                        This seems to be the big problem with the whole "CSI" photomatching phenomena . Does washing a game worn jersey make it any less game worn? Does it really matter in photomatching if there is one or two marks on a jersey or ten to twelve marks?

                        Some of the really torn up jerseys look cool, but are these collectors the ones that want to have just one or two jerseys to frame and show off or a full collection of jerseys?

                        Call me old school, but I can usually find enough identifiers on a jersey to feel comfortable without needing 15 photomatches.


                        • boxman
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2013
                          • 28

                          Re: Washing a game used jersey

                          Thanks Falcon for sharing that story.


                          • Falcon
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 160

                            Re: Washing a game used jersey

                            A friend and forum member taught me a great way to get rid of odor on a jersey. Basically, slipped it in an old t shirt to keep it somewhat covered then set it in a plastic bin with cat liter underneath and on top of the shirt. Let it sit in there for a week and when I took it out I simply slid it out from the t shirt and gave it a quick shake outside to get the liter dust off and now it is basically odor free! Still retained every single mark of game use it came with.


                            • Roady
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2012
                              • 1430

                              Re: Washing a game used jersey

                              My collection mostly consist of 70's and 80's jerseys so photomatching is much harder to do anyway.
                              Still, I have a couple that are photomatched because of the wear or stains. I personally want to keep them the way they are.
                              It is all a personal choice so I could care less what others do with their property.
                              I am not a my way or the highway type.
                              I have a hard time figueing out why it is anyone else's business what someone does with their property.

                              "You must a blankety blank blank if you do it this way or that way"
                              That person sounds like a mental patient and I would not trust them as far as I could throw them.


                              • paul457
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2012
                                • 215

                                Re: Washing a game used jersey

                                Originally posted by Roady
                                It is all a personal choice so I could care less what others do with their property. I have a hard time figueing out why it is anyone else's business what someone does with their property.

                                But back to my earlier post - if there is hard evidence that leaving a jersey unwashed will result in deterioration / degredation of the materials, it's something that all collectors here should know. I like my jerseys dirty because they look cool, and because you can't put back the dirt and paint if you wash it off... but if that dirt / slime is going to lead to a rotting jersey well then, I'd rather throw it in the wash.

                                I own team issued jerseys, and game worn jerseys (both washed and unwashed), so I enjoy the entire spectrum of use, from none to heavily beaten. However, for me, there's nothing like seeing a beaten up, trashed, stained jersey - just a very cool artifact to admire.
                                WTB -
                                Rob Gronkowski GU / GI jerseys
                                Patriots GU / GI red throwback or silver jerseys
                                Jose Canseco A's GU jersey

