Quote Originally Posted by G1X View Post
Come on, guys, could we please avoid resorting to name calling? It's great to have a lively debate and differences of opinions, but this thread is deteriorating rapidly. When you post, act like the person you are responding to is sitting across the table from you, and your wife and kids, and maybe even you mom is there with you.

Mark Hayne
Gridiron Exchange
I will echo Mark's comments here. I went back and edited a few of the posts and will happy to edit any others if anyone thinks it necessary.

In addition, please note that posting on the forums requires the observance of the forum rules including:

No Personal Attacks. Do not harass, belittle, threaten or “flame” another member. Do not call other members names, even in jest. You may dispute opinions and facts, but do so with facts and not by taking it to a personal level. This forum is intended to operate in a positive environment. Please help us achieve that goal.

The complete list of forum rules can be found here:


Thanks in advance for your compliance.
