So I am registered at every auction house that sells game used items that I know of.
I never registered for Grey Flannel because to be honest I didn't think it was worth the trouble with the references.
I decided to register today and in the references I put my Ebay id and MLB auctions. I didn't put another one because I can't remember the last time I bid on anything from another site.
I received a call from a very nice lady who stated that they would like my credit card info to proceed since my references were not enough.
I kindly declined and told her I would let her know.
I received a rejection email very shortly after.

So, am I really missing out on some great deals and/or items or not?

It gives me a bad feeling going through so much trouble to give someone my business. Like I have to prove myself or my money is good enough.

Am I wrong for feeling this way?