In the description for lot 588, Don Mueller's uni, Lelands states: "It's light use combined with the fact that this does not have the National League anniversary patch on the sleeve leads us to believe that this jersey was used in the 1951 World Series." Even my 12 year old grandson knows that Don Mueller broke his ankle sliding into third base just before Bobby Thomson hit his homerun. They mention it every time they discuss that most famous of innings. This Mueller uni couldn't have been used in 1951 World Series because Mueller didn't play in the 1951 World Series because of the broken ankle. Putting aside the embarressment that Leland's didn't bother to look that up, there's a bigger problem. Since it wasn't used in the World Series and it does'nt have the arm patch, what is it? I wrote Mike Heffner about this and did not receive a response.