Quote Originally Posted by ChiBosox05 View Post
The home team is usually tough to get. I have never had much luck at Comiskey (yes still comiskey to us Sox fans) with Sox players. The not so friendly confines at wrigley field isn't very accommodating to autograph seekers. Years ago they allowed you to go by the dugouts during BP, but how times have changed...now you need lower level seats to get anywhere near there. I used to love getting to the ballpark when the gates opened at wrigley and collected signatures from the visiting team.
I agree about Wrigley Field...the whole ballpark is run like a prison camp. I used to go to 50-60 games a year at the Unfriendly Confines...now it's more like 5 or 6. In fairness to the White Sox players, though, the ballpark opens a strict 90 minutes prior to first pitch,, meaning that the White Sox don't sign only because their BP is over and they're back in their clubhouse. Overall, when you can catch them, the Sox players, overall, are much friendlier than the ones on the Cubs.

Dave Miedema