My younger son and I are Jays fans and plan our vacation around their away schedule and my son has alway gotten signature, ball and batting gloves but the last 2 yrs its been so hard to get anything even from the guys they call up from the minors!!! one thing that pissed me off was last year, we went to go see them in Oakland (we are from Windsor, Canada. right across the border from Detroit) and we get down to the stadium well before they open the gates. my family might have been the 3rd group to go in, and the stadium is empty. So my son and i run down to the dough out and Omar Vizquel was at the bottom of the dough out, my son asked him for his autograph and he tells him he cant sign no more because he had already signed 3 of them... my son and I were the only 2 people down there...bout 5 minutes go by and a lady was calling Omar's name to get stuff signed and guess what?? he came over to a picture with her, gave her a ball and signed stuff that she had, while my son was right next to her!!! my son asked him again and Omar just looked at him and told him he signed 3 items and couldn't sign his ball. I am standing right behind my son and i heard him say that to him, me knowing spanish called him every thing i could in the book with out my son understanding, he asked me what i told him and i said its not for your ears.. but how could a major leaguer do that to a kid??? i dont get it. are they just over paid??? dont care??? do they forget they were once that kid looking for an autograph??? its good to get that off my chest. thanks for reading..