I had a moment last night where my expectation were actually dwarfed by the actual experience. Earlier this year at a Potomac Nationals game a Salem Red Sox player, Garin Cecchini, tossed my daughter a ball during a game. Although this is a simple and common occurrence at minor league games it actually opened the world of baseball and collecting to her. It truly meant the world to me, so I decided to hunt down a game used jersey of his to help add to the experience. I was able to purchase his USA Baseball 18U jersey from a fellow member and then I set to get it signed when they came back up this way. Last night we were able to make it to a game and had the chance to meet him. As he was signing the ball for my daughter I explained how much it meant to me that he tossed her that ball and when I pulled out his jersey for him to sign he was in shock. He picked it up, looked it over, talked about it a bit, and then asked if he could take it back into the clubhouse. When he came out he said he had gotten a picture taken with it and showed it to Sean Coyle who was on the team with him. As he was signing the jersey he had a huge smile on his face and said it was the “coolest thing he has ever signed”. After that we talked for a bit and he spent a few minutes talking to my daughter and then brought her out on the field so I could take a picture of the two of them together. He also took the time to personalize another jersey to both of my daughters. It was a magical experience as both a collector and a father.

Just wanted to share…