There's no set terminology. Many sellers like to stretch the words "game-used" and "game-worn" to include as much as possible (eg a "game-used" chair in a locker room). My own definitions are :1) "Game-used" means required by the rules as part of an official game. 2) "Game-ready" means it can legally become game-used and is available at a game, but doesn't get into the actual game (eg an unused bat in the rack, or ball that stays in the bat-boys' bucket). 3) "Team-used" means used for practice or preparation, but not official per the rules for a game. Many things can be in all three categories at different times, such as a ball or bat used in a game and in practice.

Thus, the official batting-order card given to the umpire is game-used, but the dugout lineup card ( which has no official standing in the rules) is team-used by my definitions. So I'd call a sub's jersey game-ready if he doesn't enter the game. But others might call it game-used by different definitions.