Many baseball salaries now have incentives. If a player puts up certain numbers he gets a higher salary. I've been thinking recently about players who sign a contract and then play little or none of the season. I don't mean to make ARod a particular target, but even if he is not suspended he may not play this year, he has already missed half the season, and is being paid $25 million. I realize that if a player is injured playing for team he should be paid his salary for any surgery he undergoes and rehab he has to do. However it just seems wrong for a player to make 10, 15 or 20 million dollars to play in few or no games for a team during the season. It seems to me just as there are incentives and player should get somewhat less money if he misses all or most of the season. I realize the way things are set up now this isn't likely to happen but it seems wrong for a player to make millions and then essentially not play all year.