Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

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  • JimCaravello
    Senior Member
    • Jan 1970
    • 1241

    Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

    Forum and Universe Members - we have all seen comments on this website about Steiner and how they are marketing their items and the high prices they are charging in the market. I have just had communication with them this morning that blows my mind. Folks at Steiner - I hope you read this so you can change your practices. Yes - you are selling a few items at high prices, but you are also being laughed at by the entire collecting and dealer community as to how you are pricing items and your lack of knowledge at what you are selling.

    Last night, there were some Bobby Murcer pants in auction that had an opening bid of $250. Since Murcer jerseys are almost impossible, I had planned on bidding on these pants. $250 was really more than I wanted to pay - but in today's world - probably not too bad a price. They were home pinstripes from 1979. Well, I had a Christmas party to attend last night and I thought the auction would still be going when I came home, but it had ended. I sent an e-mail to Steiner last night asking that if the pants had not sold, I would be interested in them. Also - if they were available, would they consider reducing the price since they did not sell. I recently bought a pair of pants from them that they offered to me - unsolicited at $200 and I said no - and ultimately we agreed upon $100, so I thought they might consider selling the Murcer pants for less if they were not bid on last night.

    The e-mail response I received this morning was unbelievable. Yes - the pants were available, but they were now $1,500. Apparently, the $250 opening bid was a "Special" and now that the..."Special".... was over, the pants were $1,500. I told them in a nice way that they could keep the pants. They sent another e-mail justifying the $1,500 and once again I said keep them - and please wake up and smell the coffee .......Steiner - are you listening!!! WAKE UP AND SMELL THE COFFEE!!!!

    Guys - Am I missing something here????
  • Eric
    Senior Member
    • Jan 1970
    • 2848

    Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

    Originally posted by JimCaravello
    They sent another e-mail justifying the $1,500
    How did they justify it exactly?
    Always looking for game used San Diego Chargers items...


    • JimCaravello
      Senior Member
      • Jan 1970
      • 1241

      Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

      Eric - their only justification was that the ......"Special" was over. Folks - I am not complaining - I am really not. I am not trying to criticize these folks. They have great stuff - but some times people in this hobby just wear you out and its very frustrating!!


      • ChrisCavalier
        Paid Users
        • Jan 1970
        • 1967

        Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

        Originally posted by JimCaravello

        Apparently, the $250 opening bid was a "Special" and now that the..."Special".... was over, the pants were $1,500.

        Guys - Am I missing something here????
        Hello Jim-

        As an FYI, this is perfectly logical in what Jerry Seinfeld refers to as "bizarro world". Basically, in "bizarro world" it makes perfect sense to present an item to your entire database of customers at a given price. Then, when you have established that every one of your customers thinks that price is too high, you raise the price to 600% of the price at which you originally offered the item when someone who is interested inquires about it.

        I'm sorry you have never heard of "bizarro world". However, now that you have you may understand a number of business practices that are being exercised in the market.

        Hope that helps.

        Christopher Cavalier
        Christopher Cavalier
        Consignment Director - Heritage Auctions


        • JimCaravello
          Senior Member
          • Jan 1970
          • 1241

          Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

          Chris - thanks for that insight. I must have missed that Seinfeld episode!! It still amazes me that they let a willing and able buyer just walk away like that.......


          • Yankwood
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2005
            • 870

            Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

            I'm glad others out there are starting to notice the complete lack of sense made by these people. I really don't understand the business sense being used here. I saw a listing that Bernie Williams was doing a private signing for Steiner in January. I sent a note to the promoter asking how much it would be for Mr. Williams to sign a bat of his that I own. I was told $400. I responded by telling him that I didn't need the bat, only for Bernie to sign it and he replied, "Maybe you don't understand me, $400 is for JUST the signature". Please explain to me how many people can afford or will pay $400 for an autograph of a living human being? If the charge was even $30 or $40, wouldn't this be a better business move in the long run? These people are chasing away future hobbyists as well as people like me. Before I concluded our correspondence I told him "Thanks for helping ruin the effin' hobby". Real mature, I know, but I felt compelled to say that. His respone was, "Hey, you win some, you lose some. Take it or leave it". I let him have the last word but I'm still thinking that classic two-word phrase we all know over and over in my head.


            • bigtime59
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2005
              • 1020

              Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

              I loathe and detest the New York Yankee$ and everything they stand for...and their uniforms are butt-ugly, anyway. They are the main reason that the first rule of my jersey collection is: no pinstripes! Reading threads like this one makes being home sick!


              • s.carter
                • Dec 2005
                • 22

                Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                I am new to the site and am by no means taking sides in this arguement but I find some of the points of view on this site to be insane. I think what a lot of you fail or neglect to comprehend is that there is nothing in this world that is free. Some of you talk as if Mickey Mantle is still walking the streets of NY signing autographs for free. This doesn't happen. There are expenses that need to be met. You talk about Bernie signing which is a good topic. You want Steiner to charge $30 or $40 per autograph... HOW? WHY? Bernie Williams has not done a signing for 9 YEARS, do you honestly think he's charging $30 or $40 per autograph? My guess is he's charging Steiner atleast 100-150 per sig and that's just for a flat. Most athletes have even higher charges for jerseys, bats, etc. I agree some of Steiner's prices are high but to crtitice without fully understanding the industry is silly. Also let's keep in mind Steiner is a multi million dollar a year company, they have employees, rent, etc. This is not some guy just walking the streets making up prices, this is a business. I buy from them alot and while I'm not always thrilled with price hey if you want the best you gotta pay for it. If you want the best price and service sometimes you gotta pay. You may like driving a Kia go ahead, me I'm riding in a BMW any chance I get.


                • Yankwood
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2005
                  • 870

                  Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                  If you think that Bernie Williams charges Steiner for everything he signs, then it is you who does not understand how it works. Steiner gives the player a certain fee and then charges whatever they want. And no, Mickey Mantle is not walking the streets but neither is Bernie Williams dead. I am not asking anyone to GIVE me anything, but $400 please! It is no wonder why baseball and paid signings have such a lousy public relations reputation. Greed --and most people are disturbed by it. We are mortgaging the future by not making things accesible to kids. It's bad enough we start post-season games too late for most of them to watch but now....never mind. I've gotten off the subject now. Anyway, I would love to know how many people are forking over $400 in January for 3 seconds of effort.


                  • s.carter
                    • Dec 2005
                    • 22

                    Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                    Yankwood, bet me your favorite game used piece that Steiner gets charged per signature by the athlete. I know for a fact thats how it works, there are no lump appearance fees its a per signature, per inscription, per everything deal. As for how many autos they sell I bet my favorite game used piece they sell out the signing. Happy holidays!


                    • Yankwood
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2005
                      • 870

                      Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                      If this is indeed how it works then things have changed since I was indirectly involved with autograph shows back in the 80' and I will stand corrected. And if Bernie Williams can sit there and sign for that price then he should be spanked. Maybe by me. Maybe I will change my name from Yankwood to Spankwood and tell him he should be ashamed. I do understand supply and demand economics and I also know that Bernie has been spouting biblical quotations throughout his career and I believe there is one about greed that he missed. Anyway, I have said my peace and these things get boring so I will make this my last post so I can earn some extra money for that autograph ticket. NOT ! ! !


                      • BULBUS
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2005
                        • 1123

                        Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                        The signing will probably sell out and thats the problem. As long as people are shelling out $400 for another persons signature, things arent going to change. I would NEVER spend that much money for someone to sign their name on something I put in front of them. It goes the same for the ridiculous prices that Steiner puts on their jerseys, idiots are paying that much. I bought a few jerseys from their auctions for reasonable prices, but I laugh at them when they contact me and try to sell me an item at these ludicrous prices. Needless to say, they havent given me a call in a while. I still love the Yanks though, GO YANKEES ! ! ! !

                        NY Giants, NY Yankees, Don Mattingly, Mattingly brand bats (any player)
                        donnie23fan at


                        • Soonerfan65
                          • Dec 2005
                          • 60

                          Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                          Steiner charges these kinds of prices because they know in the long run that someone will pay their price; i wouldn't pay $20 for Bernie Williams' auto and i'm a Yankee fan, but don't collect their stuff because it's too freaking high; if people would just walk away, then Steiner would choke on their Yankees stuff and the price would have to come down eventually.



                          • 2000mvpfan
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2005
                            • 558

                            Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                            ......I still remember the heyday of the hobby in the mid '80's when Mickey Mantle,Joe DiMaggio,and Ted Williams were all 7 dollar autographs.....on any item!!!Now Bernie was a nice player for the Yanks all these years,but is certainly no Hall of Famer or player who even approaches those guys.I guess if they were still alive,Steiner'd be charging $2000 an autograph for them,since they were getting $800 for McGwire and now $400 for Bernie....and someone would still pay it.What they've done to the hobby is a shame....
                            ...always looking for game-used JASON GIAMBI equipment!


                            • ChrisCavalier
                              Paid Users
                              • Jan 1970
                              • 1967

                              Re: Steiner Sports is out of touch with Reality

                              Originally posted by Yankwood
                              I also know that Bernie has been spouting biblical quotations throughout his career
                              Along these lines, can someone please confirm for me what Bernie has been known to commonly add under his signature. I was told by someone that it is "SOG" standing for "Son of God". However, I have seen a number of signatures where the additional letters added look more like "SDG". Can someone please fill me in?

                              Thanks in advance,
                              Christopher Cavalier
                              Christopher Cavalier
                              Consignment Director - Heritage Auctions

