Hey guys. Question for you all & I'm guessing some of you may have experienced this as well. I posted in "Items Wanted" awhile back about a bunch of bats I was looking for. Recently I got an email from a member basically saying he had everything I was looking. Great news to me. That night we emailed a bit & things seemed totally fine. He mentioned he'd send some pics in a day or so. As the days went by I emailed back, just hoping to start talking numbers & just figuring out our deal. Then I kind of stopped hearing back from him. So I emailed some more. Nothing. All responses seemed to have stopped. I was worried that I was being annoying & reached to apologize in case that was the case. Still nothing.
So I guess my question is... how long do you keep making an effort before you just give up? Also, remember, he reached out to me. I'm a really easy guy to get along with, in person & in email. This guy also seemed super cool & nice in his emails too. Maybe the issue I have is that I would never just stop emailing someone back. Your thoughts?